- Online Goods Trading System 网上商品交易系统
- A good trading system gives you an edge in the market. 一个好的交易系统给了你一把在市场中战斗的利刃。
- What is the “edge” for that trading system? 那么这个交易系统的优势是多少?
- Third, deepen reforming trade system. 第三是要深化外贸体制改革。
- The year began auspiciously with good trade figures for January. 一月份贸易额可观,今年一开头就前景光明。
- This paper is to study and test an Online Simulated Stock Trading System by using J2EE architecture and DDB (Distributed Data Base). 论文采用J2EE构架和分布式数据库技术对网上股票模拟交易系统进行了实验和研究。
- Indeed,Hong Kong and New Zealand have a good trading relationship. 事实上,香港与新西兰的贸易关系非常良好。
- This paper is to empolder an Online Price Managed Trading System of the military industry manufacture by using J2EE architecture and DDB (distributed Data Base). 论文采用J2EE构架和分布式数据库技术在网上军品价格管理交易系统中应用。
- Indeed, Hong Kong and New Zealand have a good trading relationship. 事实上,香港与新西兰的贸易关系非常良好。
- This autumn's good trade should set the new business on its feet. 今年秋季贸易兴隆,应该可以使这家新商行重新振作起来。
- Second,we must maintain a liberal world trading system. 第二,我们必须维持一个自由开放的世界贸易体制。
- Second, we must maintain a liberal world trading system. 第二,我们必须维持一个自由开放的世界贸易体制。
- We prosper through the maintenance of an open trading system. 通过持续使用开放的交易系统,我们生意兴隆。
- They chose the site of London for its good trading and defensive position. 他们是因为伦敦的良好贸易和防御位置而选择了那个地点。
- We know the Olmec certainly used boats and rafts to move stone and other goods around their territory in a substantial river trading system. 我们知道欧梅克人利用船运送石器和货品,它们利用的这条河直流入墨西哥湾。
- Even a few milliseconds can turn a good trade bad due to market shifts. 即使是百万分之一秒的延误也会使一个好的交易机会丧失。
- Will International Rules on Subsidies Disrupt the World Trading System? 关于补贴的国际规则是否会打乱世界贸易体系?
- We have made such an auspicious start with good trade figures for January. 我们一月份的贸易额不错,一开始就有好兆头。
- The WTO provides for a fair,predictable and rule-based multilateral trading system for trade in goods,services and trade-related intellectual property rights. 世界贸易组织就货物贸易、服务贸易及与贸易有关的知识产权设立一个公平、可靠、以规则为基础的多边贸易制度。
- Status Offline A canny Canadian internet user showed the potential of online trading systems by gradually bartering a paperclip into a three-bedroomed house. 一位精明的加拿大网民用区别针逐渐交换到一所三卧室的大房子,显示了互联网交易的潜力。