- Oneness of Heaven and Man 天人合一
- On "Oneness of Heaven and Man" 解读"天人合一"哲学的四重内涵
- The thought of "the union of heaven and man" in the native culture will be the main theme in conducting the philosophy and social science system with Sinicism. 在这种体系中,本土文化中的“天人合一”思想必将是构建哲学社会科学体系“中国风格”的主旋律。
- Neither the Chinese "the Unity of Heaven and Man" nor the western "the Distinctiveness of Heaven and Man" deals with the harmonious development of human and nature. 不论是中国的“天人合一”还是西方的“天人相分”,都没有处理好人类与自然和谐发展的问题。
- The nameless is the boundary of Heaven and Earth. 无名天地之始。
- After “breaking off the way to heaven”,the view of communication between god and man tranferred to the one of “unanimity of heaven and man”to deify the king's right in essence. “绝地天通”以后 ,神人交通观念便过渡为以神化王权为实质的“天王合一”观念 ;
- I wonder to learn the secrets of heaven and earth. 我想知道天地万物万世的奥秘.
- The Chinese people's cultural concept of the Unity of Heaven and Man and Yunnan people's ecological knowledge about getting along well with the nature have contributed much to the long-term continuance of the national culture. 中华民族“天人合一”的文化理念和云南各民族人与自然和谐的地方性生态知识,为中华文明和云南各民族文化的长期延续作出了重要贡献。
- Have you been an alumnus of heaven and hell? 你能自由的通往天堂和地狱吗?
- Chinese traditional wholeness mode of thinking emphasizes "the unity of heaven and man", which contradicts the noumenal view in western philosophy that separates the subject from the object. 中国传统的整体思维注重“天人合一”,与西方哲学主客两分的本体观相列。
- May the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth, bless you from Zion. 愿造天地的耶和华,从锡安赐福给你们。
- The Door of the Mystic Female is the root of Heaven and Earth. 玄牝之门,是为天地根。
- the Distinctiveness of Heaven and Man 天人相分
- the conception of heaven and man 天人观
- I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. 我信上帝,即全能之圣父,创造天地之主。
- the ideology of the unity of heaven and man “天人合一”的思想
- May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. 你们蒙了造天地之耶和华的福!
- Oneness between heaven and man is not only an important philosophical proposition but also constitutes a mode of thought in Chinese philosophy. 天人合一不但是一个重要的哲学命题,而且构成了中国哲学的一种思维模式。
- It was the secrets of heaven and earth that I desired to learn. 我迫切想了解的,乃是天地之奥秘。
- May you be blessed by the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth. 愿你们蒙受上主的祝福,他是上天下地的造化主!