- One that conducts a poll 民意测验家
- We' re conducting a poll among school leavers. 我们正在对中学毕业生进行民意调查.
- We're conducting a poll among school leavers. 我们正在对中学毕业生进行民意调查。
- We are going to conduct a public opinion poll. 我们将进行民意测验。
- In order to show loyalty to our active members, we have decided to conduct a poll to ascertain the necessary plan of action. 我们为大家设置了一个投票的方式,让大家来选择下一步要实行的方案。
- One that owns a vineyard and produces wine. 种葡萄酿酒的人拥有葡萄园并酿葡萄酒者
- Quinnipiac University conducted a poll of 1,636 US voters. 昆尼皮亚克大学共对美国1636名选民进行了调查。
- One that magnifies, especially a magnifying glass. 放大器能放大的器具,尤指放大镜
- One that supports a cause, especially vehemently. 鼓吹者支持某一目标的人,尤指热心支持者
- Now we are conducting a poll on the levy imposed upon FDH employers. 现时我们正进行一项问卷调查,搜集大家对向外籍家佣雇主收取徵款的意见。
- I'm gonna conduct a poll now. 现在我要做个民意测验。
- One that serves as a guardian or protector. 守护人的,保护者作为守护人或保护者的人
- We're conducting a poll among the children who have dropped out of school. 我们正在退了学的学生中进行民意测验。
- One that is exactly like another; a counterpart. 成对的一方确实与另一个相似的人或物; 相应物
- One that makes a will; a testator. 遗赠人,立遗嘱者设立遗嘱的人; 立遗嘱者
- One that conducts an auction. 拍卖商,拍卖人指挥拍卖的人
- To conduct a survey of(public opinion); poll. 民意调查进行一项(民意)调查;投票
- A terrestrial globe is one that represents the earth. 地球仪是表现地球的器具。
- CNN is conducting a poll to see whether Japan should be a member of Security Council! >爱国的同胞们,注意啦!美国cnn新闻网正在网上做日本是否应该成为联合国常任理事国调查,大家快投票!!!
- I'll lay odds of three to one that he gets the job. 我以三比一的赔率打赌,他能得到那份工作。