- One Hundred Years of CHP 丹麦区域供热:百年经验
- Yet nearly three years elapsed before One Hundred Years of Solitude made its way into English. 但是,这部小说被译成英文出版却经过了将近3年时间。
- After one hundred years of off and on battle, the Thai armies began to get the upper hand. 经过100年断断续续的争斗,泰国军队开始占了上风。
- It simplified and clarified the definitions of more than one hundred years of complicated and overlapping crimes. 这部新的刑法对一百多年以来复杂的、相互重叠的犯罪行为的定义,进行了简化和清晰化处理。
- British chocolate manufacturer Cadbury's are celebrating one hundred years of producing their popular chocolate bar. 英国巧克力生产商吉百利公司正在欢庆其颇受欢迎的巧克力棒的百年华诞。
- Among the authors,the Nobel Prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez is the representative,whose One Hundred Years of Solitude is regarded as a masterpiece. 其代表作家就是诺贝尔文学奖得主马尔克斯,他的《百年孤独》堪称魔幻现实主义的不朽著作。
- The novels One Hundred Years of Solitude and Chinese contemporary novel September's Fable share the common theme, that is, contradiction between the old and the new civilization. 在《百年孤独》与《九月寓言》中,蕴含着新旧文明冲突的共同主题。 这一主题可以分为四个层次进行分析:先进文明残酷侵略、掠夺落后文明,吞噬落后文明;
- This porcelain kiln has a history of more than one hundred years. 这座瓷窑已经有上百年的历史。
- A child's education shall begins at least one hundred years before he was born. 儿童教育,应该在还未出生的一百年前开始。
- The history of modern art presents us with about one hundred years of group-exhibitions, each introducing an innovative concept that encompassed the pursuits of its participating artists. 现代艺术史给我们呈现出,有一百年的联展每次都提出一个创新的概念,涵盖所有参展艺术家的追求。
- How old is he? He's one hundred years old. 他几岁了?他一百岁。生日快乐。蛋糕。礼物。聚会。
- One hundred years make up a century. 一百年构成一个世纪
- This church is about one hundred years old. 这教堂有近一百年的历史了。
- Sichuan earthquake is once in one hundred year. 四川地震是百年一遇。
- The past hundred years of war, and shame are gone. 那兵火连天,不堪回首的几百年已经成为历史。
- This island was ceded to Spain more than one hundred years ago. 这个岛屿在一百多年以前就割让给西班牙了。
- One Hundred Years of Henan University 百年河大
- One Hundred Years of the Theory of Brownian Motion 布朗运动理论一百年
- The two events are separated in time by one hundred years. 这两事件在时间上相隔一百年。
- Epic Qualities of One Hundred Years of Solitude 《百年孤独》的史诗气质