- Old English Bond 英老式砌法
- "Green sleeves" is an old English song. “绿色的袖子”是一首古老的英国歌曲。
- He is researching into Old English poetry . 他正在研究古英语诗歌。
- He is researching into Old English poetry. 他正在研究古英语诗歌。
- Anna: Which old English proverb? 安娜:哪则古老的英国谚语?
- This poem has been translated from Old English. 这首诗是从古英语译过来的。
- Green Sleeves is an old English song. 《绿袖子》是一首古老的英国歌曲。
- The Old English dialects of Mercia and Northumbria. 盎格鲁语麦西亚和诺森伯里亚的古英语方言
- Professor Wang is going to speak on Old English tomorrow. 王教授明天要作关于古英语的讲演。
- Old English goten, past participle of geotan[ to pour, ]. 古英语goten,geotan的过去分词[灌入]。
- Of course,the special features of Old English are largely lost. 当然,古英语的特征就大大减弱了。
- Great speakers often use Old English to arouse our emotions. 伟大的演说家经常用古英语调动情绪。
- Of course, the special features of Old English are largely lost. 当然,古英语的特征就大大减弱了。
- The result is what is called Anglo-Saxon or Old English. 结果是所谓的盎格鲁撒克逊语或是古代英语。
- Old English goten,past participle of geotan [ to pour,]. 英语文法中,动名词具有与现在分词完全一样的形式。
- An old English liquid measure equal to2.0 quarts(1.9 liters). 波特尔英国旧时的液量单位,相当于2。0夸脱(即1。9升)
- It is the typical pattern of the Old English Sheepdog. 古牧就是这种形态的最典型例子。
- The old English masterpieces are some of my favorites. 这些古老的英国名著是我最喜欢的作品。
- In Old English wyrm means "serpent", draca means "dragon". 在老英国wyrm 意味"serpent",draca 意味"dragon" 。
- Old English merged into Middle English in the 12th century. 12世纪时,古英语并入了中世纪英语。