- Afterwards, Matthias Kessler, apparently the new strong man on the team, told Olaf Ludwig that the team had decided to ride the Tour, and how it would ride the Tour. 当被问及兰蒂斯是否可以在明年卫冕时,勒布兰表示:“当然可以,现在我们已经没有了阿姆斯特朗,也没有了乌尔里希,只有克罗登还在。”
- Olaf Ludwig 路德维希
- Ludwig ran Beethoven Symphonies NO. 贝多芬九大交响曲全集。
- Olaf was finally defeated and killed. 奥拉夫最后战败身亡。
- Travis Ludwig Is a microphone needed? 钢琴也需要话筒吗?
- Andy and Olaf live together on a farm. 安迪和欧洲反舞弊局共同生活的一个农场。
- Translation from the Greek by Ludwig Edelstein. 尤不为妇人施坠胎手术。
- Olaf appears to be somewhat overweight. 奥拉夫,便显得有点超重。
- Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in Bonn in 1770. 路德维格.;冯
- Olaf Martens pursues his own ideas. 马斯滕对自己的观念一意孤行。
- Ludwig van Beethoven was an unhappy genius. 贝多芬是一个不幸的天才。
- Bailar ... [et al.] ;advisory board, Ludwig F. 题名其余部分: editor-in-chief; John C.
- Olaf is going to put in for a job with a business firm. 奥莱夫打算申请到一家商行里工作。
- Count Olaf: Now that we're a family I can be the ulll-timate DAD. 奥拉夫:现在既然我们是一家人我能够成为你们的父亲。
- Ludwig said.The same thing, he suspects, happens in people. 他怀疑,同样的事情也发生在人体内。
- Erwin Olaf: Elevating Retail Photography To Art Worth Collecting. 产品摄影,主要是Moooi那些繁华的东西。
- Finally a OLAF system for third party data management is created. 实现了在第三方物流企业中存储管理海量数据的OLAP系统。
- Beethoven, Ludwig van : Symphony no 4 in B flat major, Op. 贝多芬,路德维希凡:交响曲4降B大调,作品。
- Beethoven, Ludwig van : Symphony no 8 in F major, Op. 贝多芬,路德维希凡:交响曲8F大,同前。
- Beethoven, Ludwig van : Symphony no 2 in D major, Op. 贝多芬,路德维希凡:交响曲2D大,同前。