- Oil will become scarce. 石油将会短缺。
- He who loves pleasure will become poor; whoever loves wine and oil will never be rich. 爱宴乐的,必致穷乏。好酒爱膏油的,必不富足。
- Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 许多天然原料越来越少。
- What will become of us if the war breaks out? 如果战争爆发我们会怎样?
- That bird has become scarce in this country. 那种鸟在这个国家已变得很稀有了。
- Manufacturing food from oil will some day become a reality. 总有一天用石油制造食物将会变成现实。
- Ultimately, all the colonies will become independent. 所有的殖民地最终均将独立。
- Club of rome estimate that oil will run out of in1992. 罗马俱乐部曾估计一九九二年石油将耗尽
- Don't be sad. The moon will become full after it wanes. 不要伤感。月缺以後会有满月。
- The discovery of oil will enrich the nation. 石油的发现将会使这个国家富起来。
- Linseed oil will soften stiff leather. 亚麻籽油可软化僵硬的皮革。
- But for the heat of the sun, what will become of the living thing on earth. 要是没有太阳的热,地球上的生物会成什么样子。
- Oil will rot the rubber of your tyres. 油会使你轮胎的橡胶腐烂。
- What will become of your research subject? 你们的研究课题前景怎样?
- It looks as if oil will run out faster than coal. 石油似乎要比煤炭耗尽得快。
- Whoever loves wine and oil will not be rich. 好酒,爱膏油的,必不富足。
- This will become an eternal regret. 这将成为一段千古遗恨。
- The oil will soak into the wood. 油会渗进木头里。
- I hope that you will become our patron. 我希望你将成为我们的靠山。
- Without easy credit, dear oil will cause more pain. 不能轻易的贷款,高油价会带来根大的痛苦。