- Ogisu Takanori 荻须高德(1901-),日本人,画家。
- The new regulations will enable Takanori Kato to travel instantly for news, and "allow the world know quickly what is happening in China," the Japanese journalist said. 外交部新闻司司长刘建超说,今后外国记者在中国获得信息的渠道只会越来越宽,采访环境只会越来越好。
- A total of50 sei whales will be caught during the June-October season as part of Japan's research of whale feeding habits, migrations and life cycles, said Takanori Ohashi, an official with Japan's Fisheries Agency. 日本渔业厅官员大桥高典(),日本将在六月至十月的捕鲸季节捕捉50头大须鲸,这是对鲸鱼的食性、徙习惯和生命周期的研究项目的一部分。
- Takanori Yamanashi, J.Brian Caldwell, 2006, “Optical Design of Compound Zoom Lenses” , Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Optics-photonics Design &Fabrication, Nara, pp.19-20. 张维中,2003,“以基因区域搜寻演算法设计绕射型滤波元件”,国立交通大学光电工程研究所,硕士论文。
- Caption:: The photo shown was taken during the 2001 Leonids, more than 50 meteors are clearly seen. The photo was taken by Mr. Takanori Kusano from Japan, durng Nov 19, 2001, from 3:04am - 3:29am. 图为2001年狮子座流星雨时所拍摄的相片,图片可见50枚以上的的流星,图片由日本同好草野敬纪先生所拍,拍摄时间为2001年11月19日3时04分-3时29分,拍摄地点为日本熊本县井无田高原。
- Until the indictment of Takanori Okubo, at least, Mr Ozawa and his Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) looked certain to sweep the LDP-led coalition away in the election that must be held by September. 原本在他的秘书长大久保隆规遭到起诉之前,小泽一郎和他的民主党至少相当可望在九月大选将自民党的政治联盟扫荡一空。
- Ogisu Yoshio 荻子芳雄(1931-),日本人,海军军官。
- Ogisu 荻子
- Kinoshita Takanori 木下孝则(1894-1973),日本人,画家。
- Akiyama Takanori 穐山贞登(1929-),日本人,心理学教授。
- Hayashi Takanori 林孝矩(1938-),日本人,众议员。
- Ōkoshi Takanori 大越孝敬
- Nishikawa Takanori 西川贵教,来自日本的音乐人
- Takanori 孝则
- Zhiyuan GU, Jin Xiao, Jianying Feng, Takanori Shibata, Jin Zhan. The Adaptive Changes of the TMJ Bilaminar Zone Following Disc Displacement Chinese Journal of Dental Research. 2004; 6(4): 10-14 谷志远谢志坚冯剑颖张银凯詹静等颞下颌关节盘移位后双板区的适应性改建及其机制研究医学研究通讯2004,33(7):28