- Pirates off the coast of Somalia seized more ships. 远离索马里海岸的海盗侵占了更多的船只。
- In 2005 a cruise ship even reported its use to repel pirates off the coast of Somalia. 2005年,一艘巡逻艇甚至报告说用它击退了索马里海岸附近的海盗。
- Suspected pirates are intercepted by French marine commandos in the Gulf of Aden, off the coast of Somalia. 法国海洋突击队在索马里海岸附近的亚丁湾拦截一伙疑似海盗。
- Russia says it will send more ships to patrol the area off the coast of Somalia. 俄罗斯表示将派遣更多的船只到索马里海岸该区巡逻。
- Captain Richard Phillips is believed to still be several hundred kilometers off the coast of Somalia, being held in a lifeboat with 4 pirates. 据信理查德菲利普船长仍旧被4名海盗劫持在距索马里海岸数百千米海上的一个救生艇中。
- Sedney said on Saturday that both nations’ navies had cooperated in recent months to combat piracy in the Gulf of Aden, off the coast of Somalia. 西德尼在周六说,在最近几个月,两国海军就已经在索马里的亚丁湾打击海盗方面开始合作。
- The legal group is representing more than 40 detainees captured by European navies off the coast of Somalia and handed over to Kenya for prosecution. 这个法律组织正代理40多名在押嫌疑人。这些人在索马里海域被欧洲海军逮捕,并被移交给肯尼亚接受审讯。
- Hijackings off the coast of Somalia accounted for a third of global piracy incidents this year, reports the International Maritime Board. 国际海事会称,索马里海岸四周的海盗劫船事件占今年全球海盗事件的三分之一。
- Hijackings off the coast of Somalia accounted for a third of global piracy incidents this year, reports the International Maritime Board. 国际海事会称,索马里海岸附近的海盗劫船事件占今年全球海盗事件的三分之一。
- Navy marksmen shot and killed three of the pirates holding Captain Richard Philips aboard a lifeboat off the coast of Somalia. 海军狙击兵射杀了三名海盗,他们在索马里海岸外救生艇上挟持着RichardPhilips船长。
- I look at Cuba, ninety miles off the coast of the United States. 看看古巴,它离美国沿海仅九十英里。
- CNN) -- Red Sea nations in the Arab League met in Egypt's capital on Thursday to coordinate a common strategy against piracy in the Gulf of Aden and off the coast of Somalia. 有线电视新闻网)阿拉伯联盟的红海各国与周四在埃及首都举行会晤,以协调共同的战略打击亚丁湾及索马里附近海域的海盗。
- Meanwhile, the INS Tabar, a Russian-made, high-tech Indian warship, managed to thwart the attempted hijacking of an Indian cargo ship off the coast of Somalia. 同时,俄制、高科技的印度“塔霸号”战舰在索马里海岸挫败了一起意图劫持一艘印度货船事件。
- They had been wrecked (ie shipwrecked) off the coast of Africa. 他们的船在非洲沿海遇难损毁。
- Tachen is an island off the coast of Zhejiang. 大陈是离浙江海岸不远的一个岛。
- And the annexe2 is “Additional guidance to vessels engaged in fishing, supplementary to the Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy in the Gulf of Aden and off the Coast of Somalia”. 附件2为“对渔船的附加指南,及对阻止亚丁湾和索马里海域海盗行为的最佳管理措施的补充”。
- The east African nation became a venue for piracy trials after a surge in ship hijackings off the coast of Somalia stiffened international resolve to prosecute suspects caught at sea. 由于索马里海域劫持船只的事件骤然上升,加强了国际社会对这些在海上抓获的嫌疑人进行起诉的决心,肯尼亚这个东非国家也随即成为审判海盗的地方。
- The trawler was fishing off the coast of Iceland. 拖网渔船在冰岛沿海捕鱼。
- They were shipwrecked off the coast of Alaska. 他们在阿拉斯加外海遇海难。
- The ship was wrecked off the coast of France. 那艘船在法国的沿岸失事。