- Odental WhiteStork 东方白鹳
- This over-participation of fathers just a trend. " says Dr Odent. 父亲们过分参与只是一种趋势。
- This over-participation ofsfathers just a trend. " says Dr Odent. 父亲们过分参与只是一种趋势。
- Dr Odent is no reactionary, nor is he just any old childcare expert. 奥登特医生并不反动,他也绝不同于任何一个老朽的儿童保健专家。
- In a lecture delivered in London, Dr Odent turned the progressive orthodoxy on its head. 在伦敦的一次演讲中,奥登特医生对这种时兴的观念提出针锋相对的看法。
- "When a woman gives birth she needs to lose herself in the primitive or limbic part of her brain," Dr Odent said. 奥登特医生说:“当一位女性生产时,她需要自我迷失于她大脑原始的或边缘部分之中。
- In short, husbands are best off in the pub. Dr Odent is no reactionary, nor is he just any old childcare expert. 总之,丈夫们最好走开呆到小酒馆里去。奥登特医生并不反动,他也绝不同于任何一个老朽的儿童保健专家。
- Dr Odent blames the male love of technology and equipment for many of the complications which women experience when trying to proceed with a natural, drug-free birth. 奥登特医生责怪男人说,他们太偏重使用技术和仪器设备而使女人们在试图自然地分娩而不用药物时,遭受许多共发症之苦。
- But now childbirth expert Dr Michael Odent says fathers' presence in labour wards is so disruptive, it can even be blamed for the dramatic upsurge in caesarean section deliveries in the past few years. 但是现在,产科专家迈克尔·奥登特医生说,父亲留在产房是颇有扰乱性的,以致过去数年里剖腹产的明显增加都可以归咎于此。
- Yet Dr Odent, who remained outside the door of the delivery-room while his own children were born, regards this upsurge as nothing more than an ill-advised and potentially dangerous trend. 然而,当奥登特医生自己的孩子出生时,他仍留在产房外边,他认为这种急剧上升的情况是一种不理智的和有潜在危险的趋势。
- "When a woman gives birth she needs to lose herself in the primitive or limbic part of her brain," Dr Odent said 奥登特医生说:“当一位女性生产时,她需要自我迷失于她大脑原始的或边缘部分之中。
- Odent 奥当