- It was exactly at that time ,in 1917 and 1919 ,two major events took place in Russia and China,that is,the October Revolution of Russia and the May 4 movement of China. 正在这时,一九一七年和一九一九年,俄国和中国发生了两件大事,这就是俄国的十月革命和中国的五四运动。
- October Revolution of russia 俄国十月革命
- Lenin led the proletariat of Russia in winning the victory of the October Revolution. 列宁领导了俄国无产阶级取得十月革命的胜利。
- Counting from the October Revolution of 1917,the Soviet Union has been engaged in building socialism for 63 years,but it is still in no position to boast about how to do it. 苏联搞社会主义,从一九一七年十月革命算起,已经六十三年了,但是怎么搞社会主义,它也吹不起牛皮。
- Counting from the October Revolution of 1917, the Soviet Union has been engaged in building socialism for 63 years, but it is still in no position to boast about how to do it. 苏联搞社会主义,从一九一七年十月革命算起,已经六十三年了,但是怎么搞社会主义,它也吹不起牛皮。
- Depressingly, this was a smaller share than on the eve of the October revolution of 1917, when a quarter of the population was estimated to have been middle-class. 郁闷的是,和1917年十月革命前夕四分之一的人口都被认为是中产阶级来比,这是很小的份额。
- A change,however,occurred in China's bourgeois-democratic revolution after the outbreak of the first imperialist world war in 1914 and the founding of a socialist state on one-sixth of the globe as a result of the Russian October Revolution of 1917. 然而,中国资产阶级民主主义革命,自从一九一四年爆发第一次帝国主义世界大战和一九一七年俄国十月革命在地球六分之一的土地上建立了社会主义国家以来,起了一个变化。
- Follow the road of the October Revolution. 走十月革命的道路。
- Moscow is the capital of Russia. 莫斯科是俄罗斯的首都。
- The October Revolution was a turning-point in human history. 十月革命是人类历史的一个转折点。
- English revolution of 1688 was before the time of Queen Anne. 1688年的英国革命发生在安妮女王时代之前。
- One revolution of the earth around the sun take a year. 地球绕太阳运行一周需一年时间。
- This paragraph relates to the October Revolution. 这一节内容是论述十月革命的。
- Could Marx predict that the October Revolution would take place in backward Russia? 马克思能预料到在一个落后的俄国会实现十月革命吗?
- All this has been done by Communist Parties in capitalist countries,and it has been proved correct by the October Revolution in Russia. 所有这些,都是资本主义国家的共产党所曾经这样做,而在俄国的十月革命中证实了的。
- The February and October Revolutions in Russia were just wars. 俄国的二月革命和十月革命是义战。
- There have been other wars of jig-saw pattern in history,the three years'civil war in Russia after the October Revolution being a case in point. 犬牙交错的战争,在历史上也是有过的,俄国十月革命后的三年内战,就有过这种情形。
- Tolstoy was one of Russia rs most famous sons. 托尔斯泰是俄国最着名人物之一。
- In Russia before the October Revolution, feudalism was strong, and it was with the support of the peasant masses that the Bolshevik Party won victory in the revolution. 十月革命前的俄国,有严重的封建主义,布尔什维克党因为有广大农民的支持,革命取得了胜利。
- Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia! 国立俄罗斯师范大学!