- Obsess about ideas not tools. 关注想法而非工具。
- 8) Obsess about ideas not tools. 关注想法而非工具。
- One more reason not to obsess about the A list in any media category. 这也是不要过分沉迷于排行榜位置的一个理由。
- Fair enough, rankings are nothing to obsess about. 不错,排名已经不是问题。
- Emotions are not tools of cognition. 情绪并不能作为认知的工具。
- Is it a good idea not to inviting him? 不邀请他是个好主意吗?
- Is it a good idea not to invit him? 不邀请他是个好主意吗?
- Almost all of us can find something to obsess about at a restaurant. 我们几乎所有人都能在一家餐馆找到一件去执迷的事物。
- Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas. 少好奇别人的闲事,对思考要有更多的好奇。
- It's about ideas and beliefs in the riddle of Zarathustra, to show us. 有关它的思想和信仰在查拉图斯特拉的谜语里展现给我们。
- But a life of meaning,a man is condemned to wallow in the past and obsess about the future. 但要过有意义的生活,人不得不沉溺于过去并为未来而困扰。
- But, a life of meaning,a man is condemned to wallow in the past and obsess about the future. 但是,一个有意义的人生,就需要既为过去负责,又要仔细设计将来。
- Such idea not wrong, but the question is, Chengdu house price base in where. 这样的想法并没有错,但问题是,成都房价的底部在哪里。
- But, a life of meaning, a man is condemned to wallow in the past and obsess about the future. (但是,一个有意义的人生,人要谴责过去的错误,也要担忧未来的发展。)
- They should be quite specific and measurable, but you don’t need to obsess about detail. 具体但不是说要面面俱到。要留有余地以便在需要时修改目标。
- The factory is not tooled up to produce this type of engine. 这家工厂还没有装置生产这类发动机的设备。
- He worries obsessively about his appearance. 他过度烦恼自己的外表。
- Pets are not tools to receive anger, so their masters shouldn't vent their negative feelings on pets. 宠物不是受气包,不该成为主人负面情绪的出气筒。
- She is obsessional about cleanliness. 她有洁癖。
- Some people are obsessive about cleanliness. 有些人有洁癖。