- OMIT Start date in past 过去的开始日期
- Take note of the project start date in the Start date box. 记录下“开始日期”框中的项目开始日期。
- Under Range of recurrence, enter a start date in the Start box. 在“重复范围”下的“开始时间”框中输入开始日期。
- Type the new date in the Enter a new project start date box, and then click OK. 在“请输入新的项目开始日期”框中键入新日期,然后单击“确定”。
- In the example, it would be up to you to make sure that the user has entered a proper date in the start date field. 在本例中,将由您来确保用户在开始日期字段中输入了正确日期。
- If you don't enter a date in the Start box, Project uses the project start date. 如果未在“开始时间”框中输入日期,Project将使用项目开始日期。
- Under Range of recurrence, click a start date in the Start list, and then select a stop option. 在“重复范围”下,在“开始”列表中单击一个开始日期,然后选择一种停止选项。
- So a task that began two months after the project start date in the old project will be adjusted to start two months after the new project start date. 因此,旧项目中在项目开始日期之后两个月开始的任务将调整为在新的项目开始日期之后两个月开始。
- I tried to fix the date in my mind. 我试着把那个日期牢记在心。
- That politician he turned his coat twice in past three years. 那位政客在过去的3年里曾两次改变立场。
- In the From box, choose your start date and time. 在“从”框中,选择起始日期和时间。
- You can restrict your search to a particular range of dates by entering dates in the Start Date and End Date fields in the advanced search interface. 您可以将搜索限定在特定的时间范围内,方法是在高级搜索界面的起始日期和结束日期字段中输入日期。
- The cup final is an important date in the sporting calendar. 世界杯足球总决赛在运动日程表中是个重要日子。
- His does not like to wait bus in past. 他过去不愿意等公共汽车。
- Frigid gusts were driving swells in past the mole. 寒风阵阵掀起大浪涌过防波堤。
- She understands the Greek in past. 她过去懂希腊语。
- In the Start Date box, enter the date when the task begins. 在“开始日期”框中,输入任务开始的日期。
- Start date and time for the reporting interval in UTC. 报告间隔的开始日期和时间,使用UTC表示。
- Has there been frequent labour trouble in past? 过去是否经常发生工会问题?
- What was your greatest accomplishment in past time? 在过去的日子里,你觉得自己最大的成就是什么?