- OB straight forward 直接实况广播
- When you get off at Wan-hua,go straight forward. 在万华下车后,再向前直走。
- When you get off at Wan-hua, go straight forward. 在万华下车后,再向前直走。
- The controls for Kaleidoscope are pretty straight forward. 万花筒效果的控制是非常直接的。
- Played up to, he prefers a more straight forward approach. 他是那种讨厌别人巴结的人,他倒是喜欢较为坦率的态度。
- When a pawn does not take, it moves one square straight forward. 当兵不吃子时它只能向前竖直移动。
- This straight forward bullying was met by abject submission. 这直接痛快的凌辱遇到的却是卑鄙的屈服。
- We insist on your giving us a straight forward answer. 我们一定要你们给我们一个直截了当的回答。
- Your advice was what kept him going straight forward. 你的忠告就是他保持上进的原因。
- Then we should follow this road and go straight forward, right? 那我们就顺着这条路一直往前走,是吧?
- Engine installation and removal is straight forward and simple. 发动机的安装和拆除直截简单.
- Just go straight forward and you'll find the post office. 邮局就在前边。
- Karen seems open and straight forward, Amy hostile and evasive. 卡伦落落大方,直言快语;而埃米却是心存芥蒂,言辞含糊。
- Do you think you are straight forward?Yes,I think so. 你认为你是一个正直的人吗?
- Don't talk in a roundabout way. Be frank and straight forward. 别拐弯抹角的了,说亮话吧。
- Comparing playing up to others,he prefers a more straight forward approach. 他是那种讨厌别人巴结的人,他倒是喜欢较为坦率的态度。
- He was looking straight ahead (= straight forward, in front of him). 他径直往前看去。
- To insert a table in a word document should be pretty straight forward. 在word文档里加个表格应该很容易,很直接。
- They took a straight forward route to the beach and you didn't avoid detours. 别人去海边取直道,而你却走了弯路。
- They took a straight forward route to the beach and you didn t avoid detours. . 别人去海边取直道; 而你却走了弯路.