- It has the function to strike the balance among nitrogen, potassium and other nutritional elements. 它具有平衡植物中氮磷和其他营养元素的作用。
- The significance and ways of the development of buckwheat fermented food were showed by analysing buckwheat nutritional elements. 通过对荞麦营养成分及保健功能的分析,说明开发荞麦发酵食品的意义及开发途径。
- The paper probed into the relations between nutritional elements (Nitrogen, Phosphorus) and protective enzyme system of spring wheat seedling (SWS) under different water level in potted condition. 摘要通过盆载试验,研究了氮、磷营养在水分亏缺情况下对春小麦幼苗相关保护酶活性的影响。
- In the natural Chinese-fir and broad-leafed forests, the effect of soil nutritional elements on the dominance of Chinese-fir and other dominant tree species was different with tree species. 在天然杉阔混交林中,土壤营养元素对杉木及其他建群种优势度的重要性因树种而异.;影响杉木优势度的首要土壤营养元素为缓效钾、碳氮比及有机质;
- Effect of silicon on effective nutritive element in soil was examined. 本文研究了硅元素对土壤中有效营养元素的影响。
- Culture in lack of nutritional elements 缺素培养
- Nutritional element measurement of Mauls basset 山定子营养成分的测定
- Contains whitening nutrition elements and rich Vitamin A,C and other natural elements. 含增白美白滋养素及丰富的维他命A、维他命C等天然成份。
- The excessive growth of algae results from the overabundance nutrition elements, such as P, in water. 幸而南京还有长江,前段时间干旱,长江已经接近最低水位了。。。
- Using principal component analysis in chemometrics, a distribution feature of the nutritive elements was discussed. 运用化学计量学中的主组分分析方法,讨论了这些营养元素分布特征。
- Pawpaw fruit contains pawpaw alkali,papain,rennin,carotene,and rich amino acids(17 kinds) and multiple nutritive elements. 木瓜果实含木瓜碱、木瓜蛋白酶、凝乳酶、胡萝卜素,并富含17种氨基酸及多种营养元素。
- Pawpaw fruit contains pawpaw alkali, papain, rennin, carotene, and rich amino acids (17 kinds) and multiple nutritive elements. 木瓜果实含木瓜碱、木瓜蛋白酶、凝乳酶、胡萝卜素,并富含17种氨基酸及多种营养元素。
- In addition, the content of its vitamin C and other nutrition element all accords with a standard. 此外,其维生素C和其他营养元素的含量均符合标准。
- The results indic cated that Black Currant leaves were rich in many nutritive elements such as protein, amino acids and ascorbic acid which would be of great value in utilization. 结果表明,黑穗醋栗叶片含有丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸和抗坏血酸等营养素,很有利用价值。
- The numbers of physiological groups of bacteria are identieal to the contents of nutritive element in polluted waters and soils. 在受污染的水体及土壤中细菌生理群的数量与营养元素的含量相一致;
- Heavy metals were reported to cause the lack of mineral nutrition element in plant cells,metabolic abnormality,and the death of plants. 重金属胁迫会导致植物体细胞的矿质营养元素缺乏、代谢过程紊乱,甚至可引起植物的死亡。
- From visible bud to anthesis was turning stage that the distribution centres of nutrition element from overground parts to bulb. 现蕾期至开花期,是氮、磷、钾分配中心由百合地上部分转向鳞茎的转折时期。
- Edible shoots mainly include bamboo shoot, asparagus, lettuce, rattan shoot and so on.They are a kind of natural and health foods with very high contents of nutrition elements. 摘要食用笋主要有竹笋、芦笋、葛笋、棕榈藤笋等,是一类营养价值非常高的天然保健食品。
- Selecting and using the plant genotype being able to endure lean nutrition element was an effective way to raise nutrition efficiency of the crop. 摘要利用和选育耐贫瘠营养元素的植物基因型,挖掘作物自身基因潜力,是提高作物营养元素效率的一条有效途径。
- In a printer, the removable type element. 印刷机上可拆卸的打印部件。