- Number and Name of Street 街道名称和号码
- Please let me have the address,telephone number and name of the linkman of the local travel agency. 请告诉我本地旅行社的地址;电话号码和联系人姓名.
- If submitting photo or DV, please ensure that you have also written your name, address, telephone number and name of the entry on the back of each entry. 请在邮寄的照片背面;DV光盘封面注明作者的联系方式和作品名称.
- CN Composite Number and Name data type. 代码与文字合成资料型态。
- Product drawing number and name. 产品料号及品名。
- The path and name of a solution file. 解决方案文件的路径和名称。
- May I know your room number and name? 我能知道您的房间号码和姓名吗?
- The path and name of the Help file. 帮助文件的路径和名称。
- The full path and name of a project file. 项目文件的完整路径和名称。
- The full path and name of the component file. 组件文件的完整路径和名称。
- The full path and name of the solution file. 解决方案文件的完整路径和名称。
- Please fill in the following form. If you are registering for your group or fellowship, please list the total number and names of attendees. 请参加者填写资料;如小组、团契集体报名者,请主要负责联系人填写内容,并列出其他参加者姓名及总人数即可。
- And name of a serialized object. 值以及名称。
- Name of Purchaser and Name of procurement Agent. 买方名称,采购代理名称
- Produces the following capturing groups by number and name. 按编号和名称产生下列捕获组。
- This RVMF is supplanted with ToolTips, which show room number and names of the occupants of the room, and highlight any important notices about the room or the residents. A numeric summary of rooms, beds, and employees is given at the top. 工具提示代替丰富视觉非模态反馈显示房间号、房客名字,以及突出显示任何有关房间和房客的重要注意信息,房间、床位和雇员的数值概要位于上部。
- Write down the number and the name of the person calling. 写下呼叫的人号码和名字。放在它能被发现的地方。
- A string that contains the path and name of the file to send. 一个字符串,它包含要发送的文件的路径和名称。
- The borrower should indicate the purpose, payment manners, currency kind, and name of receiving company, place, bank, bank numbers and borrowing amount when filling the Cash Advance Request. 借款申请人在填写借款申请表时;必须明确注明用途;付款方式;币种;收款单位名称;地点;开户银行;银行账号及借款金额.
- Press the ENTER key to go to the next line, press TAB twice, and then type the company street number and name. 按ENTER键转到下一行,按两下TAB键,然后输入公司所在的街道号码和街道名。