- Now one snore ceased. 这时有一人鼾声停了。
- This is now one kind joyful and calm and steady. 这是怎样的一种欣喜与安稳。
- China is now one of the world's safest places. 目前,中国是世界上最为安全的地方之一。
- Once men sing together round a table in chorus; now one man sing alone for the absurd reason that he can sing better. 过去人们围着桌子一起合唱; 如今则由于唱得较好这一荒唐的理由,而由一个男子独唱了。
- Sudan is now one of the fastest-growing economies in Africa. 苏丹现在是非洲成长最快的经济体之一。
- Right now one of them can't even breathe without the other. 现在他俩是没有你,我就一刻儿也活不下去。
- In 1994, Freya is now one years old and she starts to walk! 1994年,菲雅迎来了一周岁生日,已经开始学走路了,妈妈每天在家陪伴着。
- In the snow they shifted, now one foot, now another, almost rocking in unison. 他们在雪中不停地换着脚支撑着身体的重量,一会儿这只脚,一会儿那只脚,几乎是在一起摇摆着。
- Now one time when people definitely ask for specific presents is for a wedding. 人们会列出一个自己希望得到的礼物的单子,让别人从中挑选东西去买给自己!
- And David said in his heart, I will now one day perish at the hand of Saul. 1大卫心里说,如今看来,必有一日我死在扫罗手里。
- It is now one of the biggest professional training organizations in Wuxi. 人才测评,为用人单位提供专业、系统的测评服务,为企业用人决策提供科学、客观的依据。
- A rarity when it opened in 1995, it is now one of the city's many gay hotspots. 埃迪酒吧在1995年开张的时候可以算的上是一个稀罕物,现在埃迪酒吧已是上海同性恋者热门聚集地。
- The theater is now one of the most luxurious and excellent theaters in China. 该影剧院是目前国内最豪华、最高档的影剧院之一。
- Automotive Electronics is now one of the most fiery bus LIN2.0 MCU bus. 汽车电子上现在最火热的总线之一lin2.;0总线的单片机实现。
- Ramadi, once the most dangerous city in Iraq, is now one of the safest. 一度曾为伊拉克最危险城市的拉马地,现在成了最安全地带。
- Once men sang together round a table in chorus; now one man sings alone for the absurd reason that he can sing better. 过去人们围着桌子一起合唱;如今则由于唱得较好这一荒唐的理由,而由一个男子独唱了。
- "The liger family of Xiao Er Hei and Huan Huan is now one of the largest of its kind in the world," Liu said. 刘先生最后说;由小儿黑和欢欢组成的这个家庭是世界上最大的狮子虎家族了.
- The Schaetz family has been making hats since 1870 and is now one of the last milliners in Bavaria. 沙茨的家族从1870年起就开始制作这种帽子,目前他和家人是德国巴伐利亚地区仅存的几个制浅底软呢帽的工匠了。
- The once bohemian and avant-garde ground zero of New York City is now one of the few bases for edgy music lovers and urban trendsetters. 曾作为纽约市波西米亚风和先锋艺术中心的这一地带,现在是少有的几个前卫音乐爱好者与都市潮流先锋的基地之一。
- HIS teacher thought he was dumb. Talent spotters thought he was ugly. But Jay Chou, 24, is now one of Asia's hottest pop stars. 老师认为他愚笨,星探认为他其貌不扬,但是24岁的周杰伦现已成为亚洲最耀眼的明星之一。