- Now it desecrates them. 现在则亵渎他们。
- Now it's time that you played your trump card. 现在是你摊王牌的时候了。
- The shop ordered 20 copies of the book and now it can't get rid of (ie sell) them. 该店定购了20本这种书,现在却无法脱手。
- I laid my handbag on this table a while ago, and now it is gone. 我刚才把手提包放在这张桌子上,现在就不见了。
- I had a blitz on the kitchen today, and now it's really clean. 我今天在厨房里做了一阵扫除,现在确实乾净了。
- First there were the Russians, then the Americans, now it is them. 最初是俄罗斯人,然后是美国人,现在是他们。”
- Therefore, now it is high time to subdue all of them. 因此,现在正是人们征服它的时候了。
- I left my book in the rain and now it's done for. 我把书忘在外面让雨淋了,现在已淋坏了。
- Now it will devolve on you to manage this school. 现在这所学校就交给你办了。
- That hotel used to be good money,but now it's bad as the rest of them. 那家旅馆本来还很赚钱,可是现在同其余的旅馆一样,已经无利可图了。
- So now it's winter again and I'm still unemployed. 瞧; 冬天又到了; 我还没找到工作呢.
- Now it is different from the past. 现在和过去不同了。
- Now it is squandered far and wide. 现在它已远远地喷溢四散。
- Now it is a favorite summer resort for tourists. 服务员:现在是旅游者的避暑胜地。
- Now it seemed he might not even make rear admiral! 现在看来他连个海军少将也未必当得上。
- IT HAS been a thrilling show, but now it is over. 这是一出令人兴奋的表演,但演出即将落幕。
- Now it is time for Hank and Tim to go home. 现在是汉克跟提姆该回家的时候了。
- Now it was ready for landing on Malaga airport. 此刻飞机正准备在马拉加机场着陆。
- Come on, fair dos you've had a long go on the computer and now it's my turn. 行了,机会均等--你用计算机已经很长时间了,现在该轮到我了。
- A lot of people used to believe that, but now it's been completely debunked. 过去很多人相信那种想法,但现已真相大白。