- Not waste every single grain 爱惜每一粒粮食
- Every single grain is the result of toil. 每一粒粮食都来之不易。
- Bring in every single grain. 颗粒还仓。
- He would not permit the waste of a single grain. 他不允许浪费-粒粮食。
- Frugality: spend every penny wisely,do not waste. 节俭:花钱应对人对己有利,不可浪费。
- A single grain of a cereal plant. 谷粒禾谷类作物的一个颗粒
- I have had to work for every single penny I earned. 我挣的每一便士都是辛苦工作得来的。
- In a rice grain has seven deities, please do not waste oh! 一粒米里有七位神仙,不可以浪费哦!
- In a rice grain has seven deities, please do not waste oh ! 一粒米里有七位神仙,不可以浪费哦!
- The government should not waste money supporting lame ducks. 政府不应浪费资金去扶持那些无望的企业。
- Every single child will receive a gift. 每一个孩子都会收到一份礼物
- Let's not wast our time about it. 我们不要为了这件事而浪费时间。
- Do not send every single mail with “Urgent” priority. 禁止使用“紧急”权限发送邮件给单个人。
- We should not waste even one fen. 哪怕是一分钱,我们也不能浪费。
- Examination of every single objective would not be cost effective. 检查每一个目标不会以失去效率为代价。
- When you eat bread in Bulgaria, don not waste any. 保加利亚人认为浪费面包是无法赎回的罪过.
- You must not waste money on gambling. 你不可把钱花在赌博上。
- There's no necessity (for you) to write to your mother every single day. (你)不必每天都给你母亲写信。
- Do not waste words with that fellow. 不要同那家伙白费口舌。
- The garbage truck collects garden waste every two weeks. 垃圾车每隔一个星期来收一次花园废料。