- Northern light soil aquic soil. 北部为轻壤潮土。
- In Andhra Pradesh, West Godavari district produces the best tobacco in the northern lights soils. 在安得拉邦,西哥达瓦里河西部地区产生最好的北部浅色土壤烟草。
- Old has a small portion of the east Zhanghe marcescens aquic soil. 老漳河以东有少部分粘质潮土。
- Gazed with wonder at the northern lights. 惊奇地注视着北方的天光
- There were both high affinity reaction and low affinity reaction of urea hydrolysis in fluvo? aquic soil and yellow? 潮土和黄棕壤中存在高亲和性和低亲和性尿素水解反应,而灰钙土仅表现出低亲和性反应。
- A spectacular display of northern lights. 壮观的北极光。
- Soil with soil three categories, 5 sub-categories, an eight soil, 43 soil types, which accounted for 91.14% aquic soil. 土壤含3个土类、5个亚类、8个土属、43个土种,其中潮土占91.;14%25。
- Yongqing territory aquic soil, brown soil, saline soil, meadow soil and aeolian sandy soil in five categories, of which an area of tidal land of the total land area of 96%. 永清境内有潮土、褐性土、盐性土、草甸土及风沙土五个土类,其中潮土面积占土地总面积的96%25。
- You do not have to go that far. Sometime the Northern Light can be seen at Calgary. The best Northern Light I have seen was at Ft. McMurray. 而且可以看到极光的地方就到了黄刀就可以看到吗?还是要再向北去啊?
- JNJ brand is a pronoun of the artistic mosaic.It has eight major series: Gold link, Iridium, Peony, spectrum, Ice Jade, Northern light, star cloud and normal. JNJ品牌拥有金线系列、幻彩系列、云花系列、透明系列、冰玉系列,北极光系列、星云系列和普通系列八大系列。
- Light soil strength decreases with increase of light fillings volume percentage and increases with increase of age. 轻质土强度随轻质填充料体积分数的增大而减小,随龄期的增长而提高。
- Cai Z C,Qin S W.Crop yield,N use efficiency and environmental impact of a long-term fertilization experiment in fluvor aquic soil in North China[J].Acta Pedologica Sinica,2006,43(6):905-910. [2]蔡祖聪;钦绳武.;华北潮土长期试验中的作物产量、氮肥利用率及其环境效应[J]
- Under the circumstances of high temperature and high light,soil water stess decreased the activities of protecteive enzymes SOD,POD and CAT. 在高温强光下,土壤水分胁迫使生姜叶片SOD、POD、CAT等保护酶活性降低。
- Long streamers of Northern Lights flashing blue wisps across the sky. 北极光的狭长流光,闪射出蓝色的光芒,横过夜空。
- The results show that the method can be applied to strength behaviors and stress strain characteristics of plastic foamed beads light soil. 结果表明:该方法可以比较合理地对塑料发泡颗粒轻质土的应力-应变特征及强度特性进行评价;
- This display of northern lights sets the horizon aglow at Trapper Creek. 这张北极光的照片拍摄到克里克联盟发光的地平线。
- Pot experiment was conducted to study Cd, Zn and Pb compound effects on phytotoxicity and accumulation of greengrocery grown in light soil. 摘要通过露天盆栽实验,研究了轻壤中镉、铅、锌复合污染对油唛菜的影响。
- Visible also in the above images are the north polar cap of Mars, dark and light soil, clouds, and, in the early images, a global dust storm. 在上面的影像中还可以看到火星的北极冰帽,色彩深浅不一的土壤,云层,以及在早期相片中的出现的全球性沙尘暴。
- Patterns in Nature: Northern Lights The sky over Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada, churns with light from an aurora borealis. 意译:北极光在自然界的模式。一个黎明的女神(极光)的亮光在天空搅动越过耶洛奈夫的西北地区,加拿大。
- The recent explosion of light emanating from the aurora as perceived as the “northern lights” is indeed the result of this shift. 近来,作为“北极光”被观察到的散发自欧罗拉的光爆发确实是这个变化带来的结果。