- Test and Research on Collateral Cuttings and Breeding of Tomato's Side-Branch in Northern Shaanxi Area 陕北地区番茄侧枝扦插繁殖试验研究
- The Analysis of the Wrong Type of Initial and Vowel Which are Commonly found in the Mandarin Level Test in the Northern Shaanxi Area 陕北地区普通话水平测试中常见声母、韵母错误类型分析
- Northern Shaanxi area 陕北地区
- The causations of drilling well leakage in northern Shaanxi oil-bearing area can be come down to two kinds of strata reasons and improper construction technologies. 陕北油区钻井施工井内漏水原因,可归结为地层和施工工艺不当两方面。
- To take the Dabaodang area of Yulin-Shenmu mining area in northern Shaanxi as an example,discussed shallow groundwater characteristics in ecologically weak desert bottomland. 以陕北榆神矿区大保当区为例,论述了生态脆弱的沙漠滩地浅层地下水的特征。
- And the Northern Shaanxi Plateau jumps down, spills down into its embrace. 而陕北高原扑下来了,倾斜下来,潜入它的怀抱。
- In northern Shaanxi Province, the Lantern Festival is called "Nao yangko". 陕北地区把灯节活动称作"闹秧歌",
- We broke through countless enemy encirclements and blockades until we finally reached northern Shaanxi. 我们突破了敌人无数次的包围和封锁,最后到达陕北。
- The Background Values and Distribution of As and Cr in Main Grains in shaanxi Area. 陕西地区主要粮食作物中砷、铬元素背景值及其分布
- The original material was the "Lotus Lantern"widely spread in eastern Gansu and northern Shaanxi. 舞蹈取材于流传在陇东、陕北的民间舞"荷花灯"。
- Effects of land use change on values of NPP ecosystem services of Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi. 陕北黄土高原土地利用变化对第一性生产生态服务功能价值的影响。
- Four-in-one courtyard ecological pattern and its benefit analysis in Northern Shaanxi. 陕北四位一体庭院生态模式及其效益分析。
- "Yaogu" (Waist Drum), especially the "ansai Yaogu" in northern Shaanxi Province, is famous around the world. 陕西的腰鼓远近闻名,尤其是陕北的"安塞腰鼓"
- The province is divided into three natural regions: Northern Shaanxi Plateau, Guanzhong Plain and Hanzhong Basin. 秦岭是陕西境内最大的山脉,横贯全省东西,
- Common house in both the caves of northern Shaanxi, also on the tile-roofed house in the rural areas. 宅院中既有陕北常见的窑洞,也有关中农村的瓦房。
- Chairman Mao sent a highly confidential telegram to Bocheng and me saying that things in northern Shaanxi were "very difficult". 毛主席打了个极秘密的电报给伯承和我,写的是陕北“甚为困难”。
- The evening sun, now sunk behind the Northern Shaanxi Plateau, had ignited a strip of clouds, which now scattered over the canyon. 沉入陕北高原侧后的夕阳先点燃了一条长云,红霞又撒向河谷。
- Coal mining can result in groundwater seriously seeping and seriously influencing aquatic environment.Coal mining under water-containing condition in the North Shaanxi area is very necessary. 摘要采煤会造成地下水严重渗漏,同时对生态环境影响巨大,保水采煤在陕北地区是非常必要的。
- In October 1935 the Red Army reached Northern Shensi. 一九三五年十月红军到达陕北。
- It was drafted at Shenchuanpao, Chiahsien County, northern Shensi. 宣言是在陕北佳县神泉堡起草的。