- But the Northern Alliance rushed into Kabul. 但北方同盟闯入喀布尔。
- The prize of Kunduz is within reach of the anti-Taleban Northern Alliance. 对于反塔北方联盟来说,占据昆都士已是唾手可得的了。
- Humanyun and his story is the living embodiment of the feudal nature of the many factions which make up the Northern Alliance. 胡马运及其经历正是组成阿富汗北方联盟各派武装的真实写照。
- The defection of thousands of Afghan and foreign Taleban fighters seemed to assure the Northern Alliance of victory. 随着数以千记的阿富汗和外国雇佣军人的倒戈,北方联盟的胜利已是顺理成章的了。
- The stone-throwing demonstrators are believed to be supporters of Northern Alliance warlord Abdul Rashid Dostam. 据信,那些投掷石块的示威者是北方联盟军阀杜斯塔姆的支持者。
- In Afghanistan, the besieged city of Kunduz appears ready to fall to the Northern Alliance. 在阿富汗,被围困的昆都士已经不能避免落入北方联盟的控制。
- We co-opted the independent minority tribes by pulling them into the Northern Alliance. 我们把这些独立的少数民族部落拉入北方联盟,从而把他们吸收过来。
- The United State would have preferred that the Northern Alliance did not run into Kabul so quickly. 美国本希望北方同盟不要如此快的进入喀布尔。
- Ah, we, we saw the, the fall of Kabul, all the people welcoming the Northern Alliance and some US soldiers who followed in their way. 啊,我们,我们看到,陷落的喀布尔,全体人民跟随着北方联盟和一些美军士兵,用自己的方式来欢迎他们。
- Abdul Haq is not a member of the opposition Northern Alliance and he's been critical of the current US bombing campaign. 据阿富汗伊斯兰通讯社说,在塔利班武装分子包围了他在喀布尔南部的隐居所后,美军的直升机曾试图干涉对其进行保护,但没有成功。
- He may be half-Pushtun and half-Tajik, but as a prominent member of the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance, he is seen by Pushtuns as a Tajik, and by Pakistan as a stooge of India. 他可能一半是普什图人,一半是塔吉克人,但作为反塔利班北方联盟的主要成员,他被普什图人视为塔吉克人,而被巴基斯坦人视为印度的傀儡。
- A 23-year-old trader in Northern Alliance territory who takes his white Toyota pickup truck down to the front lines near the village of Dornoma and loads up on sugar, margarine, rice and tea. 现年23岁的他是一名身在北方联盟领地中的商人,经常开着他的丰田小型载货卡车,到靠近多拿马村的前线那里,载上诸如糖、人造黄油、大米和茶之类的货物。
- New Alliances: A Taliban defector and a Northern Alliance soldier, share a ride. “新联盟”:一位塔利班的逃兵与一位北方联盟的士兵同车而行。
- the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance 反塔利班的北方联盟
- Moss affects the northern slopes. 朝北的山坡易生苔。
- They made an alliance against the common enemy. 他们联合起来抵御共同的敌人。
- States seek to become stronger through alliance. 各国力求通过结盟而更加强大。
- An unsuitable alliance, especially in marriage. 不适当的联合或结合,尤指不匹配的婚姻
- They tried to forge an alliance. 他们试图建立同盟。
- He heads up the operation in northern Europe. 在北欧他领导企业的业务活动。