- Lancaster University has been ranked as the top University in the North West by The Times Good University Guide 2008. 《泰晤士报》2008优秀大学排行榜中,兰卡斯特大学排名西北地区大学第一。
- North West by West 西北偏西
- The steamer will go west by north. 这艘轮船将向西偏北方向航行。
- China North West Film Studio, originally uploaded by Firenzemc. 镇北堡西部影视城。
- Germany is bounded on the west by France and on the south by Switzerland. 德国西面与法国接壤,南与瑞士为邻。
- Medoc is located North West to the town of Bordeaux by the Gironde River. 梅铎在波尔多的西北面,吉隆特河的西面(统称左岸),以砂砾多而闻名。
- The country is bounded on the west by the sea. 那个国家西边与海接界。
- Caesarea was 90km north west of Jerusalem. 凯撒利亚在耶路撒冷东北90公里。
- The armguard was affected by west,not so old! 笼状护手,是西方影响,不太老吧!
- The United States is bounded on the west by the Pacific. 美国西以太平洋为界。
- Mild winters and cool summers in the north west( Brittany). 在西北部(列塔尼)冬天气候宜人,夏天气候凉爽。
- Towards evening we saw a low-lying point west by north of us, at about 3 miles distance. 夜幕降临时,就在我们西边偏北的海平面上,我们看到一个地势低洼的尖呷,离我们只有3哩之远。
- A rather cold north west airstream will cover our province. 一股偏冷的西北气流将覆盖我省。
- Go to the North West corner and repeat the cross and the Word. 走到房间的西北角,做同样的事情。
- The distance sailed due east or west by a ship on its course. 航程船在其航线上朝正东或正西方航行的距离
- Mild winters and cool summers in the north west (Brittany). 在西北部(布列塔尼),冬天气候宜人,夏天气候凉爽。
- Had it's original home in Kathiawar in north west India. 在印度西北部的卡提阿瓦是其原产地。
- Had it`s original home in Kathiawar in north west India. 在印度西北部的卡提阿瓦是其原产地。
- Biography is a region bounded on the north by history, on the south by fiction, on the east by obituary, and on the west by tedium. 自传的领域;北面被历史;南面被虚构;东面被卜告;而西面被冗长所包围.
- Position: Is located the European north west Iberia peninsula. 位置: 位于欧洲西南部伊比利亚半岛。