- Systemic risk is due to be considered separately after the summer recess. 系统风险是经济衰退的夏季过后就要单独考虑的问题。
- This promotes market-wide use of the Exchange Fund paper, increases the liquidity of fixed-income market and helps reduce systemic risk. 此举可促进市场多方面使用外汇基金票据及债券,提高定息债券市场的流动性,以及有助减低系统风险。
- The ostensible reason for this pay proposal is that hedge funds create “systemic risk”. 这份薪资提议的表面原因是对冲基金创造了“系统风险”。
- Therefore, the failures of the US auto industry will definitely increase systemic risk of the financial market. 所以,美国汽车工业的失败明确地将增加金融市场的系统风险。
- Once again, the question will be how the near-insolvent banks can be kept afloat, to avoid systemic risk. 如何才能保住这些几近无力偿债的银行以避免系统性风险?这一问题再次出现在人们面前。
- Schumer said Treasury needs to address the systemic risk of complex financial instruments such as credit-default swaps. 此外舒默表示,财政部还需要解决信贷违约掉期等复杂的金融工具所蕴含的系统性风险。
- As for the rest, it blithely declares that “market discipline is the most effective tool to limit systemic risk. 至于其他金融机构,该提案则轻松地一笔带过,只是说“市场原则是限制系统性风险最有效的工具”。
- One reason is that many firms now think systemic risk in the financial system has fallen to a low level. 其原因之一就是许多企业的管理人员相信金融体系的系统性风险已经大大降低了。
- This promotes market-wide use of the Exchange Fund paper,increases the liquidity of fixed-income market and helps reduce systemic risk. 此举可促进市场多方面使用外汇基金票据及债券,提高定息债券市场的流动性,以及有助减低系统风险。
- Fonda Yi Xiao Jian, director of investment account that the positive earnings is due to "effective control of systemic risk. 易方达专户投资总监肖坚指出,取得正收益的原因是“有效地控制了系统性风险”。
- But to treat this problem as systemic risk to be dealt with by public authorities is to cast the government as an unpaid credit insurer. 但如果把这个问题看作应当由公共部门处理的系统性风险,就等于是让政府扮演义务信用保险商的角色。
- They are focused on controlling systemic risk, harmonizing risk levels across financial sectors and countries, and damping the excesses of the market. 他们们注的焦点是控制系统风风、协调金融业和国家间的风风水平、遏制市场过量行为。
- Growing awareness of this disproportionate exposure to systemic risk may reduce investors' appetite for securitised products. 越来越多的投资者意识到不相称的系统性风险会减少投资者对证券化产品的胃口。
- Another priority is to get a better understanding of systemic risk, which Messrs Scholes and Thaler agree has been seriously underestimated. 任务之二,让人们更好地了解系统性风险,MessrsScholes和Thaler都认为该风险被严重低估。
- The European Union is also proposing that European central bankers work with bank supervisors to detect and prevent systemic risk. 欧盟也主张欧洲中央银行与银行业监管者合作,发现并防止系统风险。
- This non sequitur invalidates his argument. 他不根据前提推理因而论证无效。
- These complications risk distraction from the key issue: the main source of systemic risk is within large financial conglomerates themselves. 这些复杂情况有可能分散对关键问题的关注:系统性风险的主要来位于大型金融集团公司内部。
- Now fears over systemic risk, heightened by the dismal failure of AIG, have alerted regulators to the dangers that they may present. 现在对于系统性风险的高度担忧,特别是AIG的黯然离场,致使监管者警惕保险公司可能存在的风险。
- Patience is a sine qua non for a good teacher. 做个优秀教师必不可少的条件是要有耐心。
- The diplomat was declared persona non grata. 这位外交家被宣布为不受欢迎的使节。