- Do you receive a pension for medical reasons. 是否因为医学的原因接受抚恤金。
- A regulated selection of foods, especially as prescribed for medical reasons. 特种饮食尤指给予(病人)规定的饮食
- He sank his voice, like someone who is obliged for medical reasons to utter an obscenity. 他压低了声音,好像有人为了医学上的原因而不得不说肮脏话一样。
- Throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, using leeches for medical reasons was very popular. 中世纪欧洲的医生用水蛭治疗他们的病人。
- For medical reasons, there is nothing special. However, the different readings may get the attentions of Customs, we may be treated as smugglers! 从医疗上说,这没有大不了。但不同的读数将会吸引海关的注意,我们可能被当成走私客!
- Sunglasses or other wear which detracts from the face are not acceptable unless required for medical reasons (an eye patch, for example). 头巾或帽子只有出于宗教信仰原因必须佩戴时才予以接受,即便如此,也不能遮掩申请者面部的任何部分。
- Sunglasses or other accessories detracting from the face as defined above are not acceptable unless required for medical reasons (an eye patch, for example). 太阳镜或其他装饰品遮挡了面部(见上文对面部的规定),将不予接受,除非是由于医疗原因要求佩戴(如,眼罩)。
- She is on the waiting list for medical treatment. 她在候诊者名单中。
- The men beat the woods for medical herbs. 这些人搜遍树林寻找草药。
- The demand for medical men is urgent right now. 当前迫切需要医务人员。
- The salt have been purify for medical use. 为了医疗用途,盐已经做了提纯处理。
- a regulated selection of foods,especially as prescribed for medical reasons 特种饮食尤指给予(病人)规定的饮食
- The salt have is purify for medical use. 为了医疗用途,盐已经做了提纯处理。
- The doctor was sued for medical negligence. 这位医生因为引致医疗事故而被起诉。
- Epstein asked for medical details about Julian. 爱泼斯坦询问了朱利安病情的详细情况。
- Should Advertisements for Medical Care Be Cut Down? 医疗广告该不该砍?
- "Would you like a cigarette?""No,thank you.I'm a non smoker." “你要不要抽支烟?”“不,谢谢你,我(是个)不抽烟(的人)。”
- Are you adequately covered for medical expenses? 您有足够的医疗保障吗?
- The salt has been purified for medical use. 为了医疗用途,盐已经做了提纯处理。
- "Exposure in the hospitality industry at work outweighs the consequences of exposure of living with a smoker for those staff," Jamrozik said in an interview. 吉姆罗兹克在一次访谈中说:“对员工来说在服务行业工作比和吸烟者一起生活产生的后果更严重。”