- Oh, no wait a minute, he's already past25. 哦不等一下,他已经过25岁了。
- Oh, no wait a minute, he's already past 25. 哦不等一下,他已经过25岁了。
- Nero: No wait, this isn't what you think. 不等等;这不是你所想的.
- You know the rule of the road nowadays: no waiting for lame ducks. 你知道目前的道路规则是:不等老爷车。
- It will essentially be on all the time, so there will be no waiting. 它将会本质上是在始终,如此在那里将会不是等候。
- Even Our Standard Members Get Paid In Only 10 Days. No Waiting, No Backlogs! 普通会员10天以内支付,我只等待了1天就收到支付了。
- Fastest map browsing experience. No wait time for panning and zooming. 最快捷的地图浏览体验,放大、缩小、平移无任何等待时间。
- No Waiting, ie as a warning that vehicles must not stop at the side of the road even for a short time. 禁止停车.
- No waiting(= on a sign at the side of the road, telling vehicles that they must not stop there). 禁止停车。
- You can click, point, type, pull up menus and sub-menus, and cruise around, with almost no waiting around. 可以单击、选择、输入、打开菜单和子菜单、到处巡游,基本上不需要等待。
- But I am poor and in need; come to me quickly, O God; you are my help and my saviour; let there be no waiting, O Lord. 但我是困苦穷乏的;神啊,求你速速到我这里来!你是帮助我的,搭救我的。耶和华啊,求你不要耽延!
- Play instantly. No waiting time required. Stop occasionally on slow line Tech support. 无需等候,可立刻收看,慢线可能会悄停顿。技术援助。
- The same engine powers the wheels and the propellers and there is no wait time at the drawbridge. 同一个引擎既为(路上行驶时的)车轮提供动力,也为(水上的)螺旋桨提供动力,在吊桥面前不用浪费时间(等它放下)。
- There is no waiting for a flight. Once you buy your ticket, you're automatically placed on the mount, and your air journey begins! 飞行不需要等待.;一旦你买好了票;你将被自动的放置于空中坐骑身上;于是你的空中旅行就开始了!
- Woah, woah, no wait a minute now. C'mon it's your turn. Oh c'mon. Ya know, I don't need the actual number, just a ballpark. 哇,哇,等一下,轮到你了。来吧,我不需要知道确切的数字,告诉我一个大概就行了。
- No wait it wasnt the first, from a while ago in a music program, we said "oh she's really cute" You're friends with our members and those your age. 不,等等,哪个不是第一次,而是前不久的在音乐节目那次,我们说“噢,她真的很可爱”你和我们的成员都是朋友,而且年龄很相近。
- However,just like the last pearmain that falls from the apple tree usually tastes sour,the great love that takes your breath usually favors no wait. 偏偏最后掉下的红苹果,通常是酸的。而惊心动魄的伟大爱情,通常不是等来的。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- The cruel landlord would bate him no rent. 那个狠心的地主不肯给他减租。