- No labor, no payment. 不工作者不得食。
- Dr. Coutras protested that he needed no payment for his journey. 库特拉斯医生谢绝说,他到这儿来不需要报酬。
- With no payment again this month, I can't do this job any more. 这月又没关饷,这差事实在干不下去了。
- Bella Abzug became a lawyer in the nineteen forties.She represented labor union workers.She also represented people involved in civil rights cases.She often worked for no payment in these cases. 贝拉.;艾布扎格在上世纪四十年代期间成为了一名律师,她为工会中的工人们打官司,她还为那些卷入民权案件的人们打官司。
- Credit cards are welcome No payment by personal check or travel check. 接纳各信用卡,但不接受个人支票及旅行支票。
- Of course,there will be no labor charges for the repairs,but we must charge you for replacement parts. 当然,不必付修护工钱,但我们要收取更换零件的费用。
- Of course, there will be no labor charges for the repairs, but we must charge you for replacement parts. 当然,不必付修护工钱,但我们要收取更换零件的费用。
- The ransom for a life is costly, no payment is ever enough-- that he should live on forever and not see decay. 叫他长远活着,不见朽坏;因为赎他生命的价值极贵,只可永远罢休。
- Virtue would hardly be distinguished from a kind of sensuality, if there were no labor, no opposition, and no difficulty in doing our duty. 如果在我们履行责任时不存在任何艰难和阻力,那么美德将会同肉欲毫无区别。
- Because at that time there was no labor market and no price of labor force.As the reform of SOE get deeply, this police should come to the end. 如果以扭曲的消费品价格体系为参照系来调整薪酬,那么,实现的就不是市场化的薪酬体系,而是扭曲的薪酬体系。
- It is further certified that no payment for this purchase has been previously received from UNICEF or other organization. 同时证明我们未从儿基会或其它组织获得该笔采购的款项。
- No payment shall be due to the manufacturer until non-conforming Products are repaired or replaced or reimbursed the cost of the rework made by LEDS. 直到不合格产品全部被维修或替换或偿还LEDS因返工而导致的费用,LEDS才会将货款打给厂商。
- If no labor union exists in this entity, the chief representative on behalf of the employees shall be democratically elected by the bargaining representatives. 未建立工会的,职工一方的首席代表由协商代表民主推举产生。
- Fully automatic material transfer ,no laborer required. 经破碎机破碎过的碎料自回收,无需人工参与。
- The project's agreement with Microsoft involves no payment by the software giant, and Microsoft will not join One Laptop Per Child's board. 和微软的协议没有包括不需要支付这个软件巨头的费用,微软不加入每人一台手提工程的董事会。
- With professors spending so much time blogging for no payment, universities might wonder whether this detracts from their value. 由于教授们无偿的花费大量的时间在写博客上,高等院校开始担心这是否会转移他们的学术价值。
- Once the work was out there,it could be copied with impunity - with no payment to the author for subsequent users'drawing on,or simply enjoying,his or her creativity. 一旦作品被投向市场,公众就可以免费使用该作品、享受作者的创造力,而不需要向作者支付费用。
- No payments were made last week because of a computer error. 由于计算机出错,上周未付任何款项。
- Once the work was out there, it could be copied with impunity - with no payment to the author for subsequent users' drawing on, or simply enjoying, his or her creativity. 一旦作品被投向市场,公众就可以免费使用该作品、享受作者的创造力,而不需要向作者支付费用。
- No payment receipts preserve property received into the company does not recognize, which are charges for Lee Durrant empty with no complaints were ignored. 没有保存缴费收据,物业公司不承认收过进、退户费,使李小姐空口无凭投诉未果。