- No hitting below the belt. 不许攻击对方的小腹。
- Most people agreed that the newspaper was hitting below the belt when it tried to discredit the cabinet minister by detailing some of her childhood misdeeds. 大多数人一致认为,如果报纸试图用该内阁大臣孩提时的某些不端行为使她信誉扫地的话,那么报纸就是玩弄卑鄙手段了。
- Most of the criticism hit below the belt. 大多数批评属恶意中伤。
- It was hitting below the belt for Mr Brown's rival to tell people about a crime that he committed when he was a young boy. 布朗先生的竞争对手向人们揭露他年少时的犯罪行为,此手段卑劣险毒。
- For instance, the fouls are defined as committing such things as hitting below the belt, using a rabbit punch, and hitting a man when he is down. 比如,犯规还是指打击腰带以下的部位、击打后脑勺或颈背、击打已倒地的对手等动作。
- When Frank began to refer to his opponent's unsavory family background,he was really hitting below the belt. 弗兰克提起对方不体面的家世,实在是使用卑劣手段。
- Fouls include hitting below the belt, using a rabbit punch, and hitting a man when he is down. 犯规包括击打腰带以下的部位,击打脑后勺或颈背和击打已倒地的对手。
- No punching, no kicking, no hitting below thy belt. 不准拳打 不准脚踢。不准攻击腰下部位。
- When Frank began to refer to his opponent's unsavory family background, he was really hitting below the belt. 弗兰克提起对方不体面的家世,实在是使用卑劣手段。
- It is prohibited in the Queensberry Rules of prize-fighting to hit below the belt. 职业拳击比赛的《昆斯伯里规则》里禁止打击对手在腰带以下的部位。
- It was hitting below the belt for Mr Jones's rival to tell people about a crime that Mr Jones committed when he was a young boy. 琼斯先生的对手把琼斯先生幼年时所犯的罪透露出去,实在是手段卑劣。
- For instance,the fouls are defined as committing such things as hitting below the belt,using a rabbit punch,and hitting a man when he is down. 比如,犯规还是指打击腰带以下的部位、击打后脑勺或颈背、击打已倒地的对手等动作。
- I thought his remarks were quite below the belt. 我觉得他的话十分尖酸刻毒。
- Her remark was a bit below the belt. 她的话有点不太公正。
- Even when you are angry, you should never say anything that hits below the belt. 就算你非常生气,你也不应该出言不逊。
- That comment was a bit below the belt. 那个评论有点不够公正。
- In politics world, many celebrities had been hit below the belt 在政界,许多名流都曾经被中伤过
- The boxer struck his opponent below the belt. 那名拳击运动员犯规打击对手腰带以下部位。
- The boxer fouled his opponent by hitting him below the belt. 那个拳击手因击打对手腰部以下而犯规。
- When he began to refer to his opponent's unsavory family background, he was really hitting below the belt 当他提到对方不体面的家世,他确实是在使用卑劣的手段。