- No harm done at all. 一点也没什么。
- It's all right; don't make such a fuss; there's no harm done. 不要紧,别这么大惊小怪,没伤着什么。
- So that's that and no harm done. 事情解决了,没造成任何伤害。
- He spilled wine on the carpet but there was no harm done. 他把酒溅在地毯上,但没有造成损害。
- The waiter spilled wine on the carpet but there was no harm done. 服务员把酒溅在地毯上,但没有造成损害。
- Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. 任何值得做的事就值得做好。
- Whatever be worth do at all be worth do well . 凡是值得做的事就值得把它做好。
- Whatever is worth do at all is worth do well. 凡是值得做的事就值得把它做好。
- No harm done when you bump your head against the lamp or open the cupboard door too furiously. 若你的头撞到灯或打开柜门太猛的话,也不会有什么伤害。
- That's absolutely out of the question. or That won't do at all. 那是万万不行的。
- No harm done to any pixels and you can still apply blend modes, masks or whatever. 没有伤害到任何像素,您仍然可以适用于混合模式,口罩或者别的什么东西。
- If it is worth doing at all,it is worth doing well. 如果真正值得做的话,就值得好好地做。
- One who discontinues a crime shall be exempted from punishment when there is no harm done or be given a mitigated punishment when there is harm done. 对于中止犯,没有造成损害的,应当免除处罚;造成损害的,应当减轻处罚。
- We had to take their sledges so that they could get something done at all. 我们不得不帮他们拿雪橇,这样他们才能完成拍摄任务。
- Not excluding Ellery. What was this but the familiar Chance Encounter? Time lines converging for the moment, a brief nostalgia, then everyone on his way and no harm done? 埃勒里向来也如此认为。这种情形,不正是令人欣喜的邂逅么?时光在这一刻停驻,一股思念之情涌上心头,每个人都有自己的路要走,他们都一切还好?
- How could he have done such harm to her! He's got no conscience at all. 他怎么能这样伤害她!他真是一点良心也没有。
- Whatever was worth doing at all was worth doing well. 凡是值得做的事就值得把它做好。
- Forget it, Dave, no harm done. 别放在心上了,戴夫,没伤害到谁。
- If it is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well. 如果真正值得做的话,就值得好好地做。
- Not to worry - no harm done. 别担心,没伤着。