- No Order Required 无需提出订货单
- Note that there is no order to these tasks yet. 请注意,这些任务没有顺序。
- How to Deal With the Receipt Problem of No Order in Purchasing Transaction? 采购处理中的无订单接收问题?
- If there is no order, it will stop automatically after driving 60 seconds. 行驶60秒后,如无新的命令,将自动停止。
- The factory was closed down because of no orders. 这家工厂因无人订货而关门了。
- You should sing according to my drumbeats, otherwise, there would be no order. 你根据我打的鼓点开口,否则就没有板眼了。
- One case is when you have to provide the order of particle members in your proxy to conform with the order required by a Web service. 有一种情况是您需要提供代理中粒子成员的顺序以符合Web服务所需要的顺序。
- I ask to write very how the course of order looks?. what are the haulage? Is minimum order required? Nio and whether mail to Poland does not it inflict problem? 夹杂着波兰语的客户的信,我实在看不懂他什么意思!大伙给个意见,顺便说一下该怎么回!
- The notice shall include details of thedrawing or order required and of why and by when it is required and of any delay or disruption likely to be suffered if it is late. 通知应当包括对图纸或命令的要求的详细情况和这种要求为什么要提出,要何时提出以及如果这一要求迟至可能造成的任何迟延或中断。
- The result sets of SELECT statements with a GROUP BY clause and no ORDER BY clause are sorted by the GROUP BY columns. 带GROUP BY子句但不带ORDER BY子句的SELECT语句的结果集,将按GROUP BY列排序。
- Of, relating to, or manifesting the view that there is no order or value in human life or in the universe. 无理性的,杂乱无章的有关认为人类生活或整个宇宙都是没有秩序和价值的观点的
- The manufacturer has the capability to meet the contract or order requirements. 制造业者有能力满足合约或所接订单之要求事项。
- "There has been no order, specific order, to plan in any particular area of the world," said General Satler. 他说:“没有任何命令,特别的命令,针对世界某个特别地区进行备战。
- If no order is generated, the lock would be released so that other users checking inventory get an accurate count of available inventory. 如果未生成订单,则将释放该锁,以便其他检查库存的用户得到准确的可用库存计数。
- He gestured toward the walls and I saw that books were stacked everywhere. It was like a library, exceptwith no order to the arrangement. 他朝墙壁那指了指,我才发现到处都堆着书。那就跟图书馆一样,只不过没有分门别类罢了。
- Before that unjust Tribunal, there was little or no order of procedure, ensuring to any accused person any reasonable hearing. 在这个不公道的法庭上,几乎没有保障任何被告得以作任何合理申诉的法定程序。
- Here is no hierarchical system!Here is no bondage of ideology!Here is no false covering or affectation!Here is no order of senior and junior! 这里没有等级制度,没有意识形态的束缚,没有虚伪的掩饰和矫揉造作,没有上下尊卑。
- Definition of receiving condition of raw materials and purchase order requirement. 定义原材料进厂状况和采购订单的要求。
- Followed by the real estate market 10 years after opening the inexperienced, no rules, no order, no coherent development. 然后是房地产市场开放后十几年来的无经验、无规则、无秩序、无章法的开发。