- Niujuan silver deposit 牛圈银矿床
- The epithermal silver deposit and the Kuruko silver deposit are distributed over volcanic arcs and island arcs. 火山弧和岛弧控制了浅成低温热液型和黑矿型银矿床。
- This paper discusses geologically and geochemically the genesis of Erentaolegai Silver deposit. 本文从地质学及地球化学两方面探讨了额仁陶勒盖银矿床的成因。
- Based on isotopic geochemistry,relationship between mineralization of Shanmen silver deposit and regional magmatic activity is discussed. 文章运用同位素地球化学方法对四平山门银矿成矿作用与区域岩浆活动的关系进行了探讨。
- Following the Shanmen silver deposit, Siping, Jilin Province, the Xilin silver and polymetallic ore deposit is an other important discovery. 西林河银及多金属矿床属于剪切带型矿床,矿区构造活动、成矿作用、围岩蚀变是同时进行、相互作用的。
- A new electroless silver plating process for diamond was pressented with improvements on deposit adhesion and anti-tarnishing of silver deposit. 本文提出了一种水钻表面化学镀银新工艺。并对镀层的结合力和抗变色性能的改善提出了有效措施。
- The general structural framework of the Lemachang large-size independent silver deposit is a thrusting nappe structural system. 摘要乐马厂大型独立银矿床的总体构造格架为逆冲推覆构造体系。
- The Xiaozhangwan silver deposit in Hubei Province lies in the south of the middle Qinling - Dabie multimetal minerogenetic belt. 湖北小张湾银矿位于秦岭-大别多金属成矿带中段南部。
- The epithermal silverq deposit, the mesothermal silver deposit in middle depth, the porphyry silver deposit and the skarn silver deposit exist in the horst of rifts. 裂谷带的地垒之上产出有浅成低温热液银矿床、中深中温次火山热液银矿床、斑岩型银矿床和矽卡岩型银矿床。
- It is of significance to study the metallogenetic geological setting and geochemical characteristics of Poshan silver deposit,a type of large metamorphic clasolite deposit. 破山银矿床是我国著名的变质碎屑岩大型银矿床,研究此类矿床的成矿地质背景及地球化学特征具有重要意义。
- The middle scale Huangchengshan silver deposit, prospected and appraised in the recent years, is located in Mesozoic lower-Cretaceous volcanic and subvolcanic rock. 皇城山银矿床是近年勘查评价出的一处中型低温银矿床。
- By studying the geology and geochemistry about the ore deposit and granite,it is clear that Erentaolegai silver deposit is the product of subvolcanic hydrothermal genesis. 地质、地球化学研究表明:额仁陶勒盖银矿床是次火山热液作用产物。
- A bright cyanide based silver strike plating process was presented. Influences ofcurrent density, temperature, plating time on silver deposit perfomeance were also discussed. 提出了一种氰化光亮冲击镀银工艺,分析了电流密度、温度、时间对镀银层性能的影响,并对镀银层进行抗变色处理。
- As primary halo samples collecting from Fengning silver deposit contain oxidized samples, these exists large difference among the results of different zoning sequence calculations. 由于所取丰宁银矿原生晕样品中包含氧化样品,致使分带序列研究中各种方法计算结果差别很大。
- In this paper,metallogenetic conditions of the Shanmen silver deposit in Siping, Jilin province are analysed,from stratigraphy.tectonic and magmatic activity as well as cold wateralteration. 本文对吉林省四平市山门银矿的成矿地质条件从地层、构造、岩浆活动、冷水蚀变等四个方面进行了分析。
- The Fuwan superlarge silver deposit is hosted in the Early Carboniferous limestones along a contact fault zone between the limestone and the overlying Changkeng Au-hosting siliceous rocks. 富湾超大型银矿床主要为脉状,产于下石炭统灰岩与长坑赋金硅质岩接触带及其下的破碎带中。
- The gold and silver deposits in the study area is located in the juncture of the NW and NE striking shearing zone. 研究区金银矿产布于NW向与NE向两组剪切带交切的网格状结点部位。
- Different type of silver deposits is under the control of different geotectonic environments. 不同大地构造环境控制了不同类型的银矿床。
- After the discovery of large gold and silver deposits in 1859, more people arrived in the hopes of striking it rich. 1859年时,该州发现数量庞大的黄金及银矿后,越来越多希望一夜致富的人抵达内华达州。