- Nitzschia alexandrinan. 亚历山大菱形藻
- The flows stopped, and Alexandrina's level has dropped 1.5 metres. 水流停止了,亚力山德里娜湖的水平面下降了1.;5米。
- Bibliotheca Alexandrina maintains the only copy and external backup of the Internet Archive. 并且a原稿恢复实验室.;图书馆的建筑学相等地触击。
- Between the ancient pyramids and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt now has the best of old and new. 从古老的金字塔到亚历山德里娜图书馆,无论从古老还是从前卫的角度来说,埃及现在都拥有一流的建筑精品。
- The site was developed by a team at the Library of Congress in Washington with technical assistance from the Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Egypt. 该网站由国会图书馆的一个工作组开发,埃及亚历山大图书馆提供技术支持。
- Completed in 2002, it's inspired by the original Alexandrina library, founded in the 3rd century BC and acclaimed as the greatest of all classical institutions. 此建筑的设计灵感源于公元前三世纪建的旧亚历山德里娜图书馆,被誉为经典建筑之最,2002年竣工。
- This oasis, some 70 km south-east of Adelaide, has some marvellous tempering climatic influences from its proximity to Lake Alexandrina, which opens onto the Southern Ocean. 几百年来由雨水冲刷而下的浅层页岩土为园内精产葡萄酒提供浓香扑鼻的葡萄原料。
- Nitzschia sp. 菱形藻
- Objective To elucidate the components of exopolysaccharides of Nitzschia closterium (EPN), the components of monosaccharide in each EPN, and the conditions for preparing their sulfated products. 目的阐明新月菱形藻胞外多糖(exopolysaccharides of Nitzschia closterium,EPN)的成分、单糖组成及其硫酸酯化条件。
- This research probed intothe influence of different concentrations of triacontanol(TA)on the growth and physiological activityof Chlorella pyrenoides,Scenedesmus obliquus,Nitzschia hantzschiana Rabh. 探讨了不同浓度的三十烷醇对蛋白核小球藻、斜生栅藻、菱形硅藻生长及生理活性的影响。
- Too much pumping forced the authorities in the early 1990s to switch water licences to the Murray, 10km away at Alexandrina, one of two lakes at the mouth facing the Southern Ocean. 然而过多的抽水行为迫使当局于20世纪90年代初颁布了对距离亚历山德里娜湖10公里的墨累河水的使用许可证。亚力山德里娜湖是出口面向南冰洋的两个湖泊中的其中一个。
- Molecular weight of Chodatells sp. is about 6000, and about 9700 for Nitzschia sp.. After treatment with potassium permagnate and ozone, no significant change was found in the MW of their EPS. 经实验分析绿藻的分子量约为6000;矽藻的分子量约为9700,使用高锰酸钾或臭氧进行氧化试验后,其胞外物分子量并没有显著的变化。
- Nitzschia punctata var. coatctatan. 具点菱形藻密聚变种
- Nitzschia punctata var. elongatan. 具点菱形藻长型变种
- Nitzschia spathulata var. hyalinan. 匙形菱形藻透明变种
- Nitzschia amphibia var. fossilisn. 双头菱形藻化石变种
- Nitzschia microcephala var. elegantulan. 小头菱形藻美丽变种
- Nitzschia pungens f. multiseriesn. 尖刺菱形藻多列变型
- Nitzschia pungens var. atlantican. 尖刺菱形藻大西洋变种
- Nitzschia apiculata var. liaotungiensisn. 尖菱形藻辽东变种