- Nitrogen application quantity 施氮量
- Plant density have higher effect on ear characters than nitrogen application. 密度比施氮量对果穗穗部性状的影响更大些。
- Nitrogen application and NDSA fertilization had slightly effect on the soluble sugar content in celery,but DCD could significantly increase it. 施氮和NDSA施肥法对芹菜可溶性糖影响不大,但添加DCD可明显增加芹菜的可溶性糖含量。
- Effects of the amount of nitrogen application on petunia, pansy, daisy and Anthurium. 对4种花卉进行氮素生理试验,目的是初步了解矮牵牛、三色堇、雏菊、安祖花对氮素的养分需求;
- When nitrogen application amount was 180 kgN/ha,ear number could increase with the increase of basic seedling number. 在施氮量180 kg/ha条件下,增加基本苗,穗数相应增加。
- Figure1 exhibits that there are two peak period of N uptake by both of traditional and modified nitrogen application methods. 从图1看出传统施氮方法和改良方法都有两个吸氮高峰期。
- However, even increase P application quantity (750.00 mg P2O5/kg soil), the CRF with long nutrient release period (180 days) could reduce ryegrass P uptake significantly. 然当控效期长(180天),即使增大磷肥用量(750.;00 mgP2O5/kg土),控释肥料能明显降低黑麦草吸磷量;
- Table 2 also shows that a change in the level of nitrogen application affects the MPP of potash use for any given level of potash use. 表2又表示在钾的各个用量水平,氮肥用量的变化对钾肥边际产量的影响。
- For a nitrogen application of 225kg/ha, however, jute yields initially experience increasing marginal returns to potash application. 而在氮用量为225公斤/公顷时,黄麻产量起初对钾用量出现边际报酬递增。
- The total starch and amylopectin contents of the high starch sorghum hybrid were high under medium nitrogen application. 高粱子粒中直链淀粉、支链淀粉和总淀粉含量均随子粒灌浆过程的推进呈不断上升的趋势。
- Zhang J W, Wang K J, Hu C H, Dong S T, Liu P.Effects of different nitrogen application stages on forage nutritive value of summer maize. 张吉旺;王空军;胡昌浩;董树亭;刘鹏.;施氮时期对夏玉米饲用营养价值的影响
- The effect of nitrogen application on HMW-GS expression with protein composition differed among subunit type of high quality wheat. 施氮后,高分子量谷蛋白亚基表达量与各项加工品质指标呈正相关;
- As an example, when potash use is between 75kg/ha and 150kg/ha, an increase in nitrogen application from 150 to 225kg/ha increases the MPP of potash from 11.4 to 23.1. 例如,当钾肥用量为75~150公斤/公顷时,氮肥用量由150公斤/公顷增加到225公斤/公顷使得钾肥的边际产量由11.;4增至23
- Under higher level of nitrogen application (N:P:K=3:1:1), Phalaenopsis amabilits showed heavier fresh weight and dry weight, longer and wider scape, and the most leaves. 氮、磷、钾比例为3:1:1(高氮)条件下,蝴蝶兰植株的叶片数最多,鲜重、干重较重.花茎长且粗;
- Under the same nitrogen application rate,higher topdressing ratio improved nitrogen agronomic efficiency,nitrogen recovery efficiency,increased accumulation amount of topdre... 因此合理运筹氮肥是提高氮肥利用率、增加产量、改善品质和减少污染的重要措施。
- In order to overcome above problems,we used GreenSeeker to decide the amount of nitrogen application in wheats at jointing stage based on spectrum of chlorophyl. 试验结果表明,该技术不仅可以减少氮肥施用量,而且可以明显增加小麦籽粒产量和氮肥利用率,提高小麦生产的经济效益。
- Liu W D,Wang H C,Yang Q H et al.Effect of nitrogen application on the productivity of winter wheat under soil water deficit[J].Chin.J.Soil Sci.,2002,31(6):262-264. [6]刘万代;王化岑;杨青华;等.;施氮对土壤水分亏缺下冬小麦生产力的影响[J]
- Took Huaimai19 and Yannong19 as materials, the effects of nitrogen application rate on RVA profile characters under different land fertility levels were studied. 摘要为给小麦优质栽培提供理论依据,以淮麦19和烟农19为材料,研究了地力水平、施氮量对小麦淀粉RVA特性的影响。
- The results suggested that appropriate irrigation model and nitrogen application method could enhance NUE, increase rice yield and save water effectively. 研究表明,采用合理的灌溉和施肥,能有效地提高氮肥利用率、增加水稻产量,并节省灌溉用水。
- Abstract : The purpose of this paper was to find a more suitable nitrogen application system for the cool season turf in Beijing area by using the lysimeter method. 摘要 : 本文的目的是为了研究北京地区冷季型草坪合理的施肥制度,了解尿素施用对混播草坪土壤中各形态氮的影响。