- Nishida Sachiko 西田佐知子(1939-),日本人,女歌手。
- Nishida M. Stress Concentration[M]. Translated by Li Anding. 西田正孝.;应力集中[M]
- Sachiko is the 17-year old daughter of radiotherapist Professor Oshima. 她是个纯真的17岁高中生,长得像是一支清淡的茉莉,成绩,家人和人员等各方面都颇为出色的她却不擅长弹奏自己十分痴迷的吉他。
- Sachiko and Yoshida are newlyweds, and have just moved into a newly-constructed apartment with completely white rooms. 早智子和吉田是新婚佳偶,他们搬入一栋新修建及拥有白色房间的公寓居住。
- In regard to your question,I'm not exactly sure myself,so let's ask Mr. Nishida if he can tell us. 关于您的问题,我本身不太清楚,所以我们问西田先生看他是否能告诉我们。
- Gudykunst and Nishida contend that extreme objectivist or subjectivist perspectives are not defensible. 而主观主义信奉者则认为理论应当描述研究的现象。
- Elizabeth S. Cochran, John E. Vidale, and Sachiko Tanaka. Earth Tides Can Trigger Shallow Thrust Fault Earthquakes. Science. 2004, 306: 1164-1166. 潮汐激发地震的问题,国内外都有研究,难道都是欺骗?不相信国内的,可以看国外的:
- Neighbours and close friends of the family, Shinji and Sachiko Yasuoka, adopted Shion and taught Shion how to play shougi. 变成了哑女的她,被住在隔壁的将棋棋手的家庭领养。
- Dr Tsutomu Nishida and colleagues evaluated whether oral glucose tolerance test was useful in evaluating the prognosis of liver cirrhosis. Tsutomu Nishida医生和同事评估口服葡萄糖耐量测验是否可用于评估肝硬化的恶化.
- Sachiko Tanaka, a seismologist at Japan's National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention, correlated more than 2,000 earthquakes worldwide with tides. 日本防灾科学技术研究所的地震学家田中佐千子,就把世界各地超过2000次的地震与潮汐联系起来;
- Sachiko Tsukada, 30, reportedly met the man on an Internet dating site in late 2001 but had never met him in real life until a lawsuit brought them together in October. 30岁的冢田幸子据称于2001年末,在约会网站认识该男,然而在真实生活中却未曾见过他,直到去年10月间,一起诉讼将两人牵引一起。
- According to the characteristics of spore germination and protonemal development P.sinense is confirmed in P.sinense and in accordance with Nishida classification of spore germination types of moss plants to belong to Ptychomitrium-type. 根据中华缩叶藓的孢子萌发和原丝体发育特征;并参照Nishida对藓类植物孢子萌发类型的划分;确定中华缩叶藓的萌发孢子型应属于缩叶藓型(Ptychomitrium-type).
- Yasuyuki NISHIDA and Toshimasa HANEYOSHI,Dip.of Applied Electronic Eng.Dep.Of Systems Engingeering,Faculty of Science and Engineering,Tokyo Denki University,Hatoyama,Saitama,350-30 Japan. 葛大麟;杨俊乾.;逆变和谐波-非线性负载的案例研究
- ” Gudykunst and Nishida contend that extreme objectivist or subjectivist perspectives are not defensible. 而主观主义信奉者则认为理论应当描述研究的现象。
- Nishida K.Wakai K.Yoshizaki T Ignition delays of DME and diesel fuel sprays injected by a DI diesel injector[C].[SAE 1999-01-3600 张辉亚.;张煜盛
- Sachiko 幸木(姓,日本)
- Kitashirakawa Sachiko 北白川祥子(1916-),日本人,女官员。
- Suzuki Sachiko 铃木幸子(1922-),日本人,女医药学教授。
- Chiba Sachiko 千叶早智子(1911-),日本人,女电影演员。
- Hidari Sachiko 左幸子(1930-),日本人,女演员。