- That is the Yu Garden Bazar and in the miolst of it ,there is a popular tea room near the Nine Zigzag Bridge. 那面是豫园商场,在商场的中央是一间大众喜爱的茶楼,它靠近“九曲桥”。
- Yesterday went to a Xihu zigzag bridge, the scenery has been reallybeautiful. 昨天去了一次西湖九曲桥,风景真美。
- The winding bridge has low balustrades.The Jiuqu Zigzag Bridge on West Lake is one of them. 曲桥设有低栏杆,西湖上的九曲桥就属此桥。
- At this time, Zigzag Bridge as if working with these lovely little creatures are happy with the play. 这时,九曲桥好像正与这些可爱的小生灵们一起快乐的玩耍。
- We wended through the City God Temple, with its many shops of marvelous handicrafts connected by a zigzag bridge around a lotus pond. 我们漫步在城市帝神庙中,那儿有许多绝妙的手工艺品店,它们在荷花池边的之字形木桥的连接下形成一片。
- The zigzag bridge under the tea-house is for tourists to enjoy the scenery at ease. Views vary at each turn of the year. 茶楼下面的九曲桥,供游人在曲折的桥上轻松的欣赏两边的景色,每次转折,都会让他们看到一种不同的景色。
- Ahead were the shining waters of a crescent-shaped lake, embracing the opposite bank in its curve. A zigzag bridge led to a small isle with a pavilion in the lake's middle. 前面是一片白亮亮的湖水,湖水好像一弯新月,围抱着对岸,人立在这里望得见湖心亭和弯曲的桥。
- But as they came closer over the zigzag bridge leading from the near side of the isle, he got a look at her. It was Chien-erh, bondmaid in the household of his uncle Ke-an. 但是逼近湖岸时,因为她们跟着桥转了几个弯,她的脸正对着他这一面,他认出这是四房的丫头倩儿。
- The path going off to the left takes you through more evergreens, along a murmuring stream fringed By flowering shruBs, and then onto a zigzag Bridge over a pond teeming with goldfish. 往左拐的小径,带你穿过更多的常青树,经过花丛镶边的潺潺小溪,来到金鱼池上的曲桥。
- The path going off to the left takes you through more evergreens, along a murmuring steam fringed by flowering shrubs, and then onto a zigzag bridge over a pond teeming with goldfish. 往左拐的小径,带你穿过更多的常青树,经过花丛镶边的潺潺小溪,来到金鱼池上的曲桥。
- 4. That is the Yu Garden Bazar and in the miolst of it ,there is a popular tea room near the Nine Zigzag Bridge. 那面是豫园商场,在商场的中央是一间大众喜爱的茶楼,它靠近“九曲桥”。
- The violin is not quite in tune with the piano. 这小提琴跟钢琴的调子不太和谐。
- A small boy was beating out a tune on a tin can. 一个小男孩正用铁皮罐敲奏出曲子来。
- He played a tune on his trumpet. 他用小号吹奏了一首曲子。
- One day, sleepy eyes dim the sun climbed the roof when the SLC, a gifted scholar and a liberal arts scholar at the Institute of Technology, in the small bridges of the Zigzag Bridge met. 某天,睡眼朦胧的太阳爬上SLC楼顶的时候,一个文科才子与一位理工状元在,在小桥流水的九曲桥相遇了。
- She'd be in time if she got the nine o'clock bus. 如果她赶上九点钟的汽车,她就会及时到达。
- Hum the opening bars of your favourite tune. 哼一哼你喜爱的曲子的开头几个小节。
- The couple seemed to be on cloud nine. 那对夫妇看上去极其幸福。
- She calls the tune in their house. 他们家中她说了算。
- She had already gone to bed at nine last night. 昨晚九点钟她已上床去睡了。