- Nikola Pokrivac 尼科拉·普克里瓦奇,克罗地亚足球运动员,司职后卫
- Without flinching, Victor shoots Nikola. 维克多果断地开枪射杀了尼古拉。
- Suddenly, Nikola turns his anger on Victor. 忽然,尼古拉对他的怒火发在维克多身上。
- Rijeka Banka d.d.: Rijeka; f.1954; Gen.Man.- Nikola Pavletic. 里耶卡股份银行:里耶卡;1954年成立;总经理-尼古拉·帕夫莱蒂奇。
- Juventus are in advanced talks for Red Star Belgrade striker Nikola Zigic. 尤文和贝尔格莱德红星队关于前锋尼古拉-日基奇转会的谈判日渐尾声。
- Nikola grieves over the body of his daughter, as Victor consoles him. 尼古拉在他女儿的尸体旁边哀悼,维克多安慰着他。
- Juventus close to deal for Red Star's Zigic Juventus are in advanced talks for Red Star Belgrade striker Nikola Zigic. 尤文图斯和红星球星日基奇进入最后关键性的谈判.
- Danish youth international Nikola Saric struck deep into stoppage time to earn McMahon's side a share of the spoils after an enthralling 3-3 draw. 在3比3进球大战中,丹麦青年国脚萨里奇补时阶段的射门帮助麦克马洪的球队赢得比赛一分。
- Despite the troubles, the conservative party (VMRO-DPMNE) of the pro-Western Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski is expected to win the ballot. 选举紧张局势出现之前马其顿的竞选活动曾经相当激烈,还出现有人企图刺杀阿族反对派领导人的指称。
- Above: Nikola Tesla, showing the inventor in the effulgent glory of myriad tongues of electrical flame, New York Sunday World, 1894. 美国邮政局1983年发行的四大美国著名发明家,特斯拉那张是和交流电机芯子放在一块。
- The Bianconeri, who moved seven points clear at the top of Serie B after their 2-0 victory over Napoli, are also reportedly monitoring Racing Santander ace Nikola Zigic. 斑马军团2:0击败那不勒斯后目前已经在乙级联赛一骑绝尘,而据传闻球队正在密切留意桑坦德竞技队的前锋日基奇。
- Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski is claiming victory, saying his conservative party (VMRO-DPMNE) will control more than half of the seats in the 120-seat parliament. 暴力和投票舞弊指称迫使选举官员暂时关闭了至少17个投票站。
- Soon after, Nikola Saric saw an effort deflected over the crossbar for a corner after some fine build-up play involving Dani Pacheco and Nathan Eccleston. 随后,萨里奇接到角球后射门偏出横梁,而帕切科和埃克莱斯顿轮番轰炸桑德兰的大门。
- Nikola Kalinic 尼克拉·卡里尼奇,克罗地亚足球运动员,司职前锋
- Nikolaš 尼古拉什
- Nikola Stanchev 斯坦切夫
- Nikola 尼古拉
- Nikolać 尼古拉奇
- Nikolašev 尼古拉舍夫
- Nikolašević 尼古拉舍维奇