- Chances are, it was a real nightmare of a task. 机会是,这是一个真正的恶梦任务。
- Is an ad with star necessarily the star of ads? 明星广告是否一定是广告中的明星?
- The newspaper is a jungle of ads. 报纸上尽是杂七杂八的广告。
- What kind of ads do you display? 显示什么样的广告?
- This shop has posted losts of ads surrounding. 这家商店在邻近地区贴了很多广告。
- Nightmare of Ads 广告噩梦
- For the thousandth time, he relived the nightmare of his capture. 他遭捉的那场恶梦又重现在他脑海中,这已是第一千遍了。
- Allocation of ads on Frontpage see the following picture. 首页广告编排位置如下图所示。
- This nightmare of a dentist's drill was tapered like a bee's stinger. 这枚钻头形同蜜蜂的蛰针,让你恐怖地联想到牙医的钻头。
- The unforgettable debate quip that can deflate a candidacy is the worst nightmare of any presidential hopeful. 那些人们津津乐道的令候选人感到灰心丧气的讽刺挖苦,对于任何有可能成为总统的人,都是一场噩梦。
- Despite the language of ads, all liquid bleach is basically the same. 尽管广告说得天花乱坠,但所有液体漂白剂都基本相同。
- Thus, the study of the cultural values of ads goes on with two levels. 这样,研究广告语言中的价值观实际上从两个层面展开:第一个层面是研究广告语言是否承载文化价值观;
- Stupak said he planned to continue looking into the accuracy of ads. 尽管他描述了行业的举动是积极的,他说其实际影响将是轻微的。
- Plenty of positives, nightmares of negatives at Wigan on Saturday. 今天来谈一谈周六对维根比赛中的优缺点。
- Abstract The spallation target of ADS was studied using LAHET and MCNP code. 摘要 利用LAHET和MCNP程序对ADS散裂中子靶进行模拟计算。
- And yet when he awakens, he awakens to a living nightmare of poverty, neglect and despair. 然而,当他醒过来时,他却回到了贫穷、漠然和绝望这一现实噩梦中。
- The ancient seal will be broken, awakening nightmares of ages past. 那古代的封印会被毁坏,唤醒遥远过去的恶梦。
- You can change the type of ads you display as well as their location any time. 你可以改变的类型;你的广告展示以及其所在地的任何时候.
- Victor: How could you be ready for the new semester? It's going to be a nightmare of tests and homework. 你怎么可能已经为新学期做好准了呢?一想到考试和家庭作业,简直就象是恶梦一样。
- Anyhow,many people are complaining that a lot of ads are very attractive. 不管怎么样,很多人抱怨许多广告词非常诱导人。