- The effect of Ni content in Zn bath on thickness of hot dip galvanized coating was studied using SEM. 应用SEM、EPMA等方法研究了锌浴中镍含量对热浸锌镀层厚度的影响,试验结果表明:当锌浴中镍含量小于0.;12%25 (wt)时,镀层随镍含量增加而减薄;
- The tetragonality and grain size are thus reduced with the increase of Ni content. 其中钛酸钡的正方性及晶粒大小随著镍含量之增加而减少。
- With lower Ni loading (nNi/nMo < 1/3), the main Ni species was Ni-Mo-S and Ni content on the surface was lower than that of the bulk. 在nNi/nMo<1/3时;Ni-Mo-S配位结构为主要存在形式;催化剂表面Ni含量低于体相.
- The resistivity decreased and complex electromagnetic parameters increased monotonically with increasing heat-treatment temperature and the Ni content. 随着烧成温度和纤维内镍含量的提高,陶瓷纤维的电阻率下降,复电磁参数均增加。
- Saccharine can change the appearance, structure and Ni content of the deposit notably, but decrease deposit adhesive ability and corrosion resistance markedly. 糖精显著地改变Zn-Ni镀层外观组织、Ni含量等,但使镀层结合力、耐蚀性显著下降。
- It was found that these alloys consisted of a main solid solution phase with bcc structure and a secondary phase which transferred from C14 type Laves phase into TiNi-based phase with increasing Ni content. 结果表明,所有合金都由两相组成,主相为具有bcc结构的钒基固溶体相,第二相则随着镍含量的增加从C14型Laves相转变成为bcc结构的TiNi基相。
- The effect of Ni content and aging on phase transformation heat ( Q ) of martensite (M) and rhomboheddrel (R) transformation in TiNi alloys have symtematically been studied by using DSC, optical microscopy, SEM and EDX. 用示差扫描热分析仪(DSC)、光学显微镜、扫描电镜和EDX能谱仪系统研究了Ni含量和时效对TiNi合金R、马氏体(M)相变热(Q)的影响。
- The effects of the bath composition, complexing agent content, current density, and temperature on the appearance and Ni content in the plating were investigated making use of Hull cell test, weight method, and spectrophotometry. 以三乙醇胺或三乙烯四胺作为配位剂研究了锌镍合金的碱性电镀工艺,采用赫尔槽试验、重量及分光光度测定等方法讨论了镀液组成、配位剂添加量、电流密度、温度等因素对镀层外观及镀层镍含量的影响。
- Ni contents coud be controlled and the catalysts with high surface areas could be prepared by chemical mixing procedure. 化学混合法可以控制镍含量,制得活性组分高分散度、载体高比表面积的催化剂。
- The relationship between the microstructure of laser alloyed layer, the distributions of compositions in laser alloyed layer and the Ni contents was analyzed by observation of SEM, EDX,X-ray diffradometer & micro-hadometer. 通过扫描电镜,能谱分析、X光物相分析及显微硬度测定对激光表面合金化层的结构及合金元素的分布随与镍含量的关系进行了研究。
- Determining Ni content in urea product with photometric measurement 分光光度法测定尿素成品及尿液中的镍含量
- Teaching content should be concise. 教学内容要少而精。
- He is quite content with his present fortune. 他对自己目前的境遇颇为得意。
- You should be well content with your daughter. 你应该对你的女儿感到满意。
- Personally, I am quite content with Scotland. 就我个人而言,我对苏格兰挺满意。
- Effect of Ni Content in Zn Bath on Thickness of Hot Dip Galva-nized Coating 锌浴中镍含量对热浸锌镀层厚度的影响
- He is content to stay in his present job. 他对现在的工作心满意足。
- Effect of Ni Content in Zn Bath on Thickness of Hot Dip Galvanized Coating 锌浴中镍含量对热浸锌镀层厚度的影响
- I am well content to remain here. 我很愿意留在这里。