- Newton 's laws are not applicable to any case. 牛顿定律并不适合于任何情况。
- Newton 's laws are not applicable to any case . 牛顿定律并不适合于任何情况。
- This statement was seen when I was a senior student, and two years later, I find its infallibility even can match Newton’s law. 我们在北大里,享受的是中国最大的自由和民主,这是个可怕的甜蜜。
- Maybe Newton’s law of gravitation, the law that describes how their trajectories should be playing out, is in need of an overhaul. 也许,牛顿的万有引力定律,这个描述它们的轨道运行状态的定律,大概是疲倦了,需要大修了。
- Remember Murphy′s Law - if it can happen, it will. 记住墨菲法则 - 只要有发生的可能性,它就必然会发生。
- Of course, this is Lenz’s law in action. 当然,这是楞次定律的体现。
- The expression for the minimum rate of entropy production of an irreversible Carnot re-frigerator in which heat transfer obeys Newton s law at a given refrigerating rate is derived. 导出牛顿定律系统不可逆卡诺制冷机在给定制冷率时的最小熵产率,基于最小熵产率对制冷机的工作性能作了讨论,得到了一些有益的结果。
- How to avoid falling into the pitfall "Huang Zhongxi' s law" again? 如何避免重蹈“黄宗羲定律”的陷阱?
- In fact, starting with rays implies the use of Snell’s law. 镜头设计专业本质上很可能即将消失。
- Ever hear of tensile strength? Hooke#s Law of Elasticity? 听说过延展强度吗?胡克定律?
- Note that Ohm‘s law holds true for DC as well as for AC circuits. “感抗”这个术语只适用于交流电路,其测量单位为欧姆。
- Lenz s law is a classical theory for analysing inducted current phenomenon. 楞次定律是直接分析感应电流现象的重要定律。
- For it is another of nature\'s laws that only a habit can subdue another habit. 这也是自然法则之一,只有一种习惯才能抑制另一种习惯。
- Newton's law of motion apply to all things on the earth. 牛顿时的运动定律适用于地球上一切东西。
- Pray that the government’s laws enforcing Islamic education and restricting proselytizing would be repealed. 祷告强制接受伊斯兰教育及严格限制改教的政府法规能被撤销。
- The elastic deformational response obeys the linear constitutive laws (Hooke’s Laws) of classical elasticity. 与弹性变形相对应,塑性变形由滑移机制或原子水平的位错引起,从而导致物体永久的尺寸变化,它仅在应力大小达到一定的门槛值,即达到所谓的弹性极限或屈服应力时,才产生,且强烈依赖于变形或加载历史。
- We owe this discovery to Newton. 我们的这一发现归功於牛顿。
- Layard even pointed to the value of Sweden’s law prohibiting advertising to children. 雷亚尔德还指出瑞典关于禁止向儿童做广告宣传的法律是很有价值的。
- In the part of seepage theory, it includes pervious foundation and Darcy"s law and seepage calculation. 渗透理论部分包括透水地基、达西定律和渗流计算;
- The rules governing the ebb and flow of euphemism are the Gresham’s Law and the Law of Succession. 第二章分析了有关委婉语的翻译现状,提出译者可能面临的三个主要问题:1、由于译者对译语文化不够熟悉而使用非委婉语甚至是禁忌语来译委婉语。