- Mother had an armful of frightened chicks she'd rescued from the henhouse.Dad was carrying a newborn lamb in his arms. 妈妈手臂上抱着从鸡窝里救出的受了惊的小鸡,爸爸抱着一只刚出生的小羊。
- A barn where newborn lambs are housed should be well protected from the wind. 新生的小羊羔栖居的牲口棚应当有很好的防风措施。
- You can swim with dolphins, gambol with newborn lambs, whale-watch at sea or go fishing for trout in pristine streams and rivers. 你可以与海豚同游、与新生羊羔嬉戏、在海上观鲸,或是在纯净的溪流中垂钓鳟鱼。
- If you live near to a farm, or you work on a farm, do not handle lambing ewes, their afterbirth, newborn lambs, or the clothing of anyone who is involved in lambing. 如果你住在农场附近,或者在农场工作,不要接触正在生小羊的母羊、胎盘、新出生的小羊、或者参与接生的人的衣服。
- Her daughter Nancy is an ewe lamb to her. 她的女儿南希是她的心肝宝贝。
- Newborn babies bring out the woman in her. 新生的婴儿唤起了她女性的特性。
- The lamb had to be brought up by hand. 这只小羊要用奶瓶喂养。
- I have the pure heart of a newborn baby. 我有一颗赤子之心。
- He took his medicine like a lamb. 他顺从地服下了药。
- Generally speaking, I prefer lamb to pork. 一般地说,我喜欢羔羊肉胜过猪肉。
- She gazed at the newborn infant and smiled. 她望着这个初生的婴儿笑了。
- A leg of mutton, lamb, or veal for cooking. 羊腿做烹调用的羊肉、小羊或小牛的一只腿
- A lamb with 2 tails is a freak of nature. 有两条尾巴的小羊是畸形的。
- Clothing and other equipment for a newborn child. 新生儿的全套用品新生婴儿的衣物和其他装备
- She heard a lamb bleating in the distance. 她听到一只羊在远处叫。
- She took the proposal like a lamb. 她顺从地接受了这项建议。
- Newborn babies begin their life with a wail. 新生儿痛哭一声便开始了他们的生命。
- Which do you prefer, lamb chops or pork chops? 你比较喜欢小羊排,还是猪排?
- The newborn baby has a hairy head. 这个新生儿的脑袋上长了很多头发。
- It is not uncommon for parents to put a newborn in a separate room. 父母把新生儿放在分隔的房间并非不常见。