- New small egg 新小卵
- And litchi leaves are rolled into a short span of a small egg rolls. 而荔枝叶,却是卷成短短小小的蛋卷。
- Whose Egg Davie is a little rabbit. Today he finds a small egg by the lake.“Whose egg is it?” Davie thinks... 作者:五彩酷吧----远离病毒标签:妈妈小青蛙青蛙小兔子戴维
- Sometimes there are small eggs in the big eggs. 有时候在大的蛋里面会有小的蛋。
- In this paper, a new small region method in Monte Carlo calculation for the deep penetration problems is proposed. 本文提出了一个新的蒙特卡罗计算深穿透问题的小区域方法。
- Development of new small switchboards of unit type. Networks of small Strowger exchanges installed in Italy. 开发新型小型接线总机。小型史端乔交换机网络在意大利安装。
- These new small diameter domestically made stainless steel rings are perfect to fit right under the head of your shaft. 简单翻译这些新的小直径国产不锈钢戒指是完美的,以适应下的权利的轴头。
- Platform: A reinforced version of the Z's new smaller architecture. 平台:一个增强版本的Z的新的小建筑。
- Nokia Corp has unveiled a new small 3G handset, which will be available commercially in the first half of 2003. 诺基亚公司最近推出一款很小的新型3G手机,并将于2003年上半年投入市场。
- The company has decided to produce their "New Small Family" set of vehicles, picking Slovakia as their ideal location. 该公司已决定生产的“新家庭”的车辆,选择斯洛伐克作为其理想的地理位置.
- Army divisions will go away and some kind of new smaller units will emerge. 陆军师行将消失,某种新的更小的建制单位将应运而生。
- The emphases is to present a new small quasi-static specimen of CTOA test, and experimental methods of CTOA measurement. 重点介绍了一种准静态测试CTOA的小试件,以及测量CTOA的实验方法,为天然气管道止裂研究提供帮助。
- Based on the feature of targets, a new small target detection algorithm is presented based on the extremum theory for bi-variate cubic function. 针对这个特点,依据二元三次函数的极值理论,该文提出了一种新的弱小目标候选点的检测方法。
- Teachers: the new small, your problem is a misnomer, Fun and Games by saying to describe the teacher very happy. The new small: Hanxiaojiuquan. 老师:小新,妳的毛病就是用词不当,现在考考妳用壹句成语来形容老师很开心。小新:含笑九泉。
- In the interim prior to licensure of these new small molecule inhibitors, established therapy with pegylated interferon and ribavirin can be tailored. 在这些新型小分子抑制剂获得临床使用许可前,我们可以对业已形成的聚乙二醇化干扰素联合病毒唑的治疗方案进行适当的修改。
- Ford will soon introduce an update of its Taurus sedan, as well as some new small cars. A new line of fuel-efficient engines will also be available. 福特公司很快将推出其最新的金牛座汽车,还有一系列的新款小型车。这些新款车全都配有一系列的新开发省油经济型引擎。
- Martha: But I just bought this new small wallet! And this tiny 1)pocketbook ! I couldn't go back to carrying all those coins and cash. 玛莎:但我才刚买这个新的小钱包耶!还有这小巧的皮包!我没办法回头去带零钱和现钞出门。
- Less than 24 hours after Rolls-Royce revealed it would develop a new small model, Maybach was saying it might do something very similar. 在劳斯莱斯宣布将推出新款小型车型不到24小时,迈巴赫即表示它有可能推出类似的车型。
- After mating and oviposition, statistics showed that the higher of the percentage of small eggs is, the more of the unlaid eggs is. 交配产卵后,初步统计发现小卵百分率越大,则遗腹卵有越多的倾向。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。