- He wants to play for the Chicago Cubs or the New York Yankees one day. 他希望有一天能和芝加哥的年轻人和纽约的美国人打棒球。
- A relaxed David Beckham managed to upstage even the New York Yankees on Monday. 久坐板凳的贝克汉姆周一试图抢尽纽约洋基队的风头.
- Hideki Matsui went to New York recently to finalize his $21 million, three-year contract with the New York Yankees. 松井秀喜最近去了一趟纽约,定下他与洋基队的两千一百万为期三年的合约。
- New York Yankees pitcher Randy Johnson came in second followed by film critic Roger Ebert, television psychologist Dr. 亚军得主是美国纽约扬基棒球队运动员兰迪·翰逊。
- Chien-Ming Wang led the New York Yankees to a successful rout of the Los Angeles Angels on July9. 王建民于七月九日率领纽约洋基队,成功地打败了洛杉矶天使队。
- There're only 3 games left in regular season play.The New York Yankees are running out of time to make the playoffs. 常规赛季还剩下3场比赛,纽约人队已经没什么机会去进入季后赛了。
- Chien-Ming Wang led the New York Yankees to a successful rout of the Los Angeles Angels on July 9. 王建民于七月九日率领纽约洋基队,成功地打败了洛杉矶天使队。
- ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) -- Champagne flowed. Joe Torre cried. The New York Yankees whooped it up. 在香槟四溅。托瑞哭了!洋基位了他们的季后赛门票齐声欢呼。
- Bernie Williams apparently will not attend spring training with the New York Yankees. 威廉斯可能不会和纽约洋基队一起春训。
- American baseball player who won a record ten World Series games as a pitcher for the New York Yankees(1950-1967). 福特,爱德华生于1928美国橄榄球明星,作为投球手创下了使纽约扬基队(1950-1967年)连续十次在世界杯赛上夺魁的记录
- NEW YORK -- Bernie Williams is prepared to spend his spring without the New York Yankees. 威廉斯准备不参与纽约洋基队的春训。
- That's a momentous development for the surging New York Yankees, who need as much consistent pitching as they can get. 这对正在波滔汹涌中的洋基而言是个重大的发展,洋基现在正需要一名稳定的投手。
- Sports Illustrated is reporting that New York Yankees slugger Alex Rodriguez tested positive for steroids back in 2003. 体育画报报道说纽约扬基队击球手亚历克斯.;罗德里格斯2003年类固醇测试呈阳性。
- He and New York Yankees pitcher Chien-Ming Wang are the first Taiwanese pitchers to earn victories on the same day. 他和纽约洋基投手王建民也是第一次台湾投手同一天赢球。
- He charged $100 for rubbish from the opening day of the New York Yankees' stadium. 来自纽约洋基体育馆开幕式上的废物,他要加%24100。
- The New York Yankees have offered the former All-Star outfielder a minor league contract and an invite to spring training. 纽约洋基队提供这名前全明星外野手一纸小联盟合约和春训的邀请函。
- American baseball player and manager. Considered among the best catchers in baseball history, he played for the New York Yankees from1946 to1963. 贝拉,劳伦斯·彼得生于1925美国棒球运动员和经纪人。被认为是棒球史上最好的棒球接手之一,1946年至1963效力于纽约扬基队
- NEW YORK (AP) -- The Boston Red Sox ended April on a high, thanks to another listless performance by the New York Yankees. 红袜队在四月份尾声维持高档,因为纽约洋基队又打了一场无精打采的球赛。
- Jason, Victor, AJ, and Van are on the way to see a professional baseball game between the Milwaukee Brewers and the New York Yankees. 杰森、维特、亚杰和维一起去看职棒纽约的洋基队对密尔瓦基的酿酒人队比赛的路上。
- Federal investigators are blaming a stiff wind for the plane crash in New York last month that killed New York Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle. 联邦调查人员认为在上个月纽约生生的飞机坠毁是由于强风造成的;在这场事故中;纽约杨基投手不幸遇难.