- He set up a new national record in the marathon race. 他创造了马拉松赛跑的全国新记录。
- The settlers carved out a new nation from the uncultivated country. 移民们在这块未开垦的土地上创建了一个新的国家。
- New National Character 新国民性
- Their project to establish a new national park will be completed next year. 他们建造一个新的国家公园的工程将于明年完工。
- The 1960s saw the emergence of many new nations. 二十世纪六十年代出现了许多新兴国家。
- The new nation needs a modern-minded ruler. 这个新兴的国家需要有现代头脑之统治者。
- It set a new national record for rainfall. 从而创造了新的降雨纪录。
- The new national stadium will be completed. 新建的国家体育场也将竣工。
- A new nation was born with the revolution. 在革命中一个新的国家诞生了
- Some pinned their faith on the emergence of a new national leader, others on a religious revival. 一些人相信会出现一个新的国家领导人,而另一些人则相信宗教复兴。
- Competition, they believe, strengthens national character than corrupt it. 他们相信竞争会增强民族的性格而不会破坏它。
- The new nation's expansion westward. 新国家的西部扩张
- The size of the value depends on the national character set of the database. 值的大小依赖于数据库的区域字符集。
- The United States is a new nation. 美国是一个年轻的国家。
- Another new nation has been brought into being. 又一个新的国家诞生了。
- For economists, however, frugality is not about national character but rationality. 但对经济学家来说,节俭与民族性无关,而是一种理性的表现。
- The road he took was the very road of China's new national culture. 鲁迅的方向,就是中华民族新文化的方向。
- She has been commissioned to write a new national anthem. 她已接受谱写新国歌的委托。
- Competition, they believe, strengthens the national character rather than corrupt it. 人们认为竞争加强了民族性而不是破坏了它。
- I'd like to introduce the national character of Italian through my observation at soccer stadiums. 我想介绍一下通过我在足球场所观察到的意大利的国民性格。