- New Manager in Glendale Store 仓储中心更换新经理
- Whether Ashley will be at St James' to take his usual seat in the directors' box remains to be seen as he presides over his second search for a new manager in eight months. 阿谢利会不会出现在他平常的包房里还是个迷;他现在正在寻找8个月里的第2个新教练.
- The new manager's job is to restore the company to profitability. 新经理的工作是让这家公司能恢复盈利状况。
- Our new manager is rich in experience. 我们的新经理有丰富的经验。
- The new manager is a complete dud. 新经理完全是个废物。
- The new manager is a real whiz-kid. 新经理是个平地青云的人。
- The new manager is pretty decent to us. 新上任的经理对我们相当和气。
- Rumour has it that we'll have a new manager soon. 据说我们不久就要来一位新经理。
- Celizic: There were two almighty crashes in Glendale Monday night. 有两个全能重挫格伦代尔周一晚上。
- Give me the lowdown on the new manager. 告诉我那新经理的底细。
- In Glendale, it is illegal to drive a car in reverse. 在格伦代尔,倒着开车违法。
- The new manager is a pleasant Chinese American. 新任经理是个和气的美籍华人。
- Police found the second car late Saturday in Glendale. 周六晚些时候,警方在格兰岱尔市发现了他的另一辆租车。
- The new manager is a portly middle-aged woman. 新来的经理是个肥胖的中年女士。
- He got the push when the new manager came. 新经理到任後,他被解雇了。
- Does the new manager pass muster? 新的经理还过得去吗?
- It lands the manager in a passive position. 它使经理处于被动地位。
- He's manager in name only, it's his assistant who really runs the place. 他只不过是名义上的经理,而实际上是他的助手掌管这里的一切。
- We need a new manager to get the business into shape. 我们需要有个新经理来把业务安排妥当。
- The new manager blundered away most of the firm's profits. 新经理由于失策使公司损失了大部分利润。