- New London Training Unit 新伦敦训练小队
- Now,we are passing under the new London Bridge. 我们现在在伦敦新桥下经过。
- Which is the platform for the London train? 哪个站台是往伦敦去的火车?
- When does the London train leave, please? 请问,到伦敦的火车什么时候开?
- We have an in-house training unit. 我们有一个公司内部培训部门。
- The London train pulled into the branch line station. 这列伦敦火车缓缓驶进了支线车站。
- Ask him which platform the London train leaves from. 问问他到伦敦去的列车从哪个站台开出?
- Byron remembered this tactic from submarine school exercises off New London. 拜伦还记得在新伦敦外边海面上潜艇学校演习时的这一战术。
- Sheffield: CVCP Universities' Staff Development and Training Unit. 上海:上海社会科学院出版社。
- The Delingha brigade is often referred to as a training unit. 德令哈旅经常被认为是一支训练部队。
- Once the town's social meeting place, the gazebo in New London, New Hampshire's village green still gathers folk for Friday night concerts. 新罕布什尔州新伦敦镇中心绿地上的凉亭曾是镇上居民最重要的社交场所,今天人们仍聚在这里欣赏周五的晚间音乐会。
- The discovery followed a dig ahead of building work for the ChannelTunnel Rail Links new London terminus. 这副假牙是人们在“英吉利海峡隧道联络线工程”伦敦新终点站修建工作开始前的一次挖掘中发现的。
- Norman Dello Joio's ballet Wilderness Stair premiered in New London, Connecticut. 美国作曲家诺曼-德洛-乔伊奥(1913-)的芭蕾舞剧在美国康涅狄格州新伦敦首演.
- New postgraduate training unit must definitude objectives, complete the work thoughts, refine training links, strengthen process management to improve the quality of postgraduate education entirely. 新增硕士培养单位应该明确培养目标,理清工作思路,细化培养环节,强化过程管理,全面提高研究生教育质量。
- But on June 23rd of 2005, the Supreme Court decided the case of Kelo versus the City of New London, Connecticut. 美国州政府拥有宪法赋予的用公平的赔偿来获得个人财产的权利。
- School-based staff development workshops were organised by the Training Unit to promote the importance of teamwork among teachers. 该署的训练组又举办校本教师培训工作坊,促进教师认识团队合作的重要。
- It happened to me very recently while trying to book a table at Bob Bob Ricard, a new London restaurant I otherwise liked a lot. 最近在我企图在一个饭店订位子时就发生了这样的事,那是一个我非常喜欢的伦敦的新饭店。
- I remember some ten years ago when he was made a King's Counsel, Amos and I, seeing him get off the London train, went to congratulate him. 我记得差不多十年前他被任命为国王的法律顾问。那个时候我和亚莫斯看到他从伦敦开来的火车上下来,我们就走上去向他道喜。
- Coast Guard cadet Joseph Lo Sciuto gets "high five" from President Reagan during Coast Guard Academy graduation ceremonies at New London,Conn.,yesterday. 来!我们击掌:昨天在康州新伦敦所举行的海岸警备队士官学校毕业典礼上,该校学员西厄图受到里根总统击掌祝贺。
- Coast Guard cadet Joseph Lo Sciuto gets " high five" from President Reagan during Coast Guard Academy graduation ceremonies at New London, Conn., yesterday. 来!我们击掌:昨天在康州新伦敦所举行的海岸警备队士官学校毕业典礼上,该校学员西厄图受到里根总统击掌祝贺。