- New Installation Concept 新装置概念(飞机使用电力)
- Add a new installation image, d. 添加新的安装映像。
- You do not need new installation software. 无需新的安装软件。
- Did you see the new installation at MOMA? |你看到现代美术馆的装置没?
- This means that every new IDES Release involves a new installation. 这就意味着每一个新的IDES版本包括一个新的设置。
- If this is not done, someone can do a new installation and ruin your site! 如果不这样做,有人可以做一个新的安装和破坏您的网站!
- Series, and keep track as we add new installments. 系列的所有部分,并且随时注意我们新的文章。
- If this is a new installation, ask yo hard ware or software, manufacturer for any windos updates you might need. 如果这是一个新的安装,努力地问yo制品,否则软件,制造业者因为任何的windos更新你力气需要。
- You must back up these. Pst files as well as reconnect them to your new installation of Outlook. 您必须备份这些.;pst文件;并将其重新连接到新安装的Outlook。
- If this is a new installation ask your hardware or software manufacturer for and windows updates you might need. 如果这是一个新的安装问你的硬件或软件制造业者因为而且窗户更新你可能需要。
- If this is a new installation ,ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. 如果这是一个新的安装,问给任何的视窗你的硬件或者软件制造业者更新你们可能需要。
- Compare your existing file with the new installation file which is named wp-config-sample.php . 应该说,忠贞不渝、和蔼可亲是这种人最容易取得异性好感的诀窍。
- Navy constructed a new installation, the Pensacola Naval Aeronautical Station, on the grounds of a U. 驻扎在彭萨科拉的西班牙人向法国投降。
- Update failed!Please download and run a new install package. 更新失败!请下载并运行一个新的安装包.
- He will administer and supervise the new installed programs. 他将管理和监控新安装的程序。
- The Windows XP startup disk allows computers without a bootable CD-ROM to perform a new installation of the operating system. Windows XP开机磁片可让没有光碟机的电脑安装新的作业系统。
- The Windows XP startup disk will automatically load the correct drivers to gain access to the CD-ROM drive and start a new installation of Setup. Windows XP启动盘会自动加载正确的驱动程序以便访问CD-ROM驱动器并开始全新安装。
- In addition to exhibiting two video works from the start of this decade, he will also produce a new installation for his exhibition at Malmo Konsthall. 他让这些纪念性的作品去指出现在将来和过去。
- This option involves performing a new installation of Windows Server running Exchange 2007 in Disaster Recovery mode, and then restoring your Exchange databases. 此选项涉及在灾难恢复模式下安装新的运行Exchange 2007的Windows Server,然后还原Exchange数据库。
- Subscribe to the Geek to Live feed to get new installments in your newsreader. 在评论里让我们知道你的答案吧.