- Natural Order Hypothesis 自然顺序假设
- Those results can be explained by Automaticity Theory,Threshold Hypothesis Theory,and Relevance Theory and Natural Order Theory. 作者用信息处理自动性理论、词汇临界值假说、关联理论和自然顺序假设理论解释了这些现象。
- I want to restore the natural order. 我要恢复自然的秩序。
- Extinction is the natural order of things. 事物的灭亡是必然的。
- Disorder, alas, is the natural order of things in the universe. 唉!宇宙万物的自身规律竟然就是混乱。
- The static tradeoff model rather than pecking order hypothesis seems better in explaining the features of capital structure for Chinese listed companies. 同融资的优序假说相比,静态权衡模型对中国上市公司的资本结构似乎有更强的解释力。
- He thought social inequality was all part of the natural order of things. 他认为社会不平等完全合乎事物的自然规律。
- For more information see: Martin Pool's Natural Order String Comparison page. 更多信息见Martin Pool的Natural Order String Comparison页面。
- For multiple joins, use parentheses to change the natural order of the joins. 对于多个联接,请使用圆括号来更改联接的自然顺序。
- The true face of the natural order of bed and sleep off the Lui Fong. 真面目自然令同床共寝的吕方却步。
- It was, perhaps; only Shun who brought peace to the multitude without taking any action against natural order. 无为而治者,其舜也与?
- The death of our parents is in the natural order of things, and we must follow them in our turn. 父母的死亡是必然之事,我们应当接替他们。
- If POST is not specified, the function sorts members in a level in their natural order. 如果未指定POST,则此函数按自然顺序对一定级别的成员进行排序。
- This sentence is in the inverted order. Can you change it into the natural order? 这个句子的语序是倒装的。你能把它改成正常的语序吗?
- There are those that say Magick works by subverting the natural order, but I vigorously disagree! 有些人说,释放魔法就是对自然规律的颠覆,但我完全不这么认为!
- In fact, when challenged, the Shaman has a strong capacity to deal with the guy to disturb the natural order. 事实上, 当受到挑战的时候, 萨满拥有强大的能力来对付扰乱自然秩序的家伙。
- Tao can be roughly state to be the flow of the universe,or the force behind the natural order. 陶可以大致是的状态宇宙的流程或者力量在自然顺序之后。
- The natural order of butcons as the primary idiom, with menus as a backup, makes sovereign applications much easier to use. 这种以图标按钮为主、菜单为辅的自然秩序,可以让独占式应用更加容易使用。
- Cernd is truly the most powerful druid still to walk the material plane. Few defenders of the balance have been such stalwart guardians of the natural order. 瓦罗彻普:瑟恩的确是主物质界上最强大的德鲁伊了,很少有维持平衡的保护者能够成为如此强壮的自然界守卫者。
- His major contribution to the studies of Yijing was his elucidation of the difference between the natural order and human principle. 在《易经》哲学上,来氏最大特色是区别出自然秩序与人理的不同,以及圣人心易之说。