- Sanming City is heavily polluted by the industry.Sanming Suburb National Forest Farm surrounds Sanming City lying on the moutains.To cultivate the antipollution forest is the urgence to the farm. 三明市区受工业污染严重,市郊国有林场经营区地处市区周山,培育抗污染的森林成为林场当务之急的工作。
- In the paper,present situation and the existing problems in Wuhan national forest farms were analyzed and some reformations about management sys... 本文通过分析武汉市国有林场管理体制的现状及存在的问题,对其管理体制改革提出了建议,并着重从创新方面进行了探讨。
- An application study of TOT model in national forest farm TOT模式运作在国有林场的应用研究
- Approach to Rest and Engage in Orchard for the Staff and Workers of National Forest Farm 国有林场职工租赁经营果园的探讨
- China State Owned Forest Farm Development Corp. 中国国营林场开发总公司。
- National forest farm 国有林场
- Layang National Forest Farm 腊洋林场
- Here is the Xianrendong National Forest Park. 这里是仙人洞国家森林公园。
- It is a 369 square km national forest park. 它是一个369平方公里的国家森林公园。
- Forest Farm near the entrance to the Butterfly Valley, everywhere dancing Nabi. 在林场入口处附近的蝴蝶谷,则处处可见翩翩起舞的彩蝶。
- The Study of Forest Landscape Pattern Based On GIS At The Jingouling Forest Farm. 基于GIS的金沟岭林场森林景观格局研究。
- Yeah my friend and I hiked in a very wild part of the national forest. 是的,那是我和我的朋友在国家森林的一个很偏僻的地方旅行。
- Ride: Take Puli to Huisun Forest Farm, or to Tsaotun, Nantou Forest Farm of the passenger up, but very few flights. 搭车:搭埔里往惠荪林场,或草屯至林场的南投客运可达,但班次很少。
- Main ferns in Zhongpo National Forest Park are autochthonism or saxicolous. 生态类型主要为土生,其次是石生类型。
- Sunlight filters through fall foliage in Alabama's Talladega National Forest. 图为在阿拉巴马州的塔拉迪加国家森林中,阳光穿过秋叶。
- Studies on the Characteristic and Management of the Mountain Forest in the Steppe Region of Baiyin'aobao Forest Farm, Inner Mongolia. 内蒙古白音敖包草原区山地森林的特征与经营研究。
- Here, two leafcutter ants dismantle a leaf in Peru's Manu National Forest. 照片中,秘鲁的摩奴国家森林里两只南美切叶蚁正在啃切一片树叶。
- Among them 50 species ocurr in L layer, 45 species in F layer, 25 in H layer. There are abundant and various macrofungi in Huoditang Forest Farm. 按照生态位,发生于枯落物L层的大型真菌有 50种,发生于F层的有 45种,发生于H层的有 25种。
- A girl free-falls into a river in Puerto Rico's Caribbean National Forest. 一个女孩自由落体式地跃入波多黎各的加勒比国家森林的一条河中。
- Yeah, my friend and I hiked in a very wild part of the national forest. 是的,那是我和我的朋友在国家森林的一个很偏僻的地方旅行。