- National Transportation Center 国家运输中心
- It is an important market and transportation center. 它是一个重要的集贸和交通中心。
- University of Tennessee STC University of Tennssse Transportation Center Sui. 田纳西州立大学。
- Dalian Zhoushuizi International Airport Freight Transportation Center. 大连周水子国际机场货运中心。
- The National Transportation Safety Board has sent a team of investigators from its office in Denver, Colorado, Herwig said. 国家交通安全局已派出一调查组。
- For example, the city is a big transportation center in the Midwest for trains, trucks, ships and planes. 举例说,该城市在美国中西部是最大的火车运输,公路运输,海运,空运的中心。
- A national transport strike affecting the Venice's 'vaporetto' water buses has made the situation worse. 国家罢工影响运输威尼斯的' vaporetto水巴士恶化。
- National transportation hub, located in the Taibei road leading to Tanzania and Malawi to the Dadong Road intersection points. 全国交通枢纽,位于通向坦桑尼亚的大北公路和通向马拉维的大东公路的交会点。
- As the marine transportation center in northern China, Tianjin undoubtedly is the most ideal venue for Europort China. 作为中国北方的航运中心,天津无疑是中国国际海事博览会(EuroportChina)的最佳举办地。
- Brazilian investigators are working with experts from the plane's maker Airbus as well as officials from the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board. 巴西调查员协同这个空中客机制造专家及美国全国运输安全委员会的官员一起正对此事进行调查。
- A city of northeast South Carolina east-northeast of Columbia. It has been a transportation center since the Civil War. Population,29,813. 南卡罗莱纳州东北部一城市,位于哥伦比亚东北偏东。自内战以来成为一个交通中心。人口29,813。
- A city of west-central Hokkaido,Japan. It is the commercial,industrial,and transportation center of a fertile agricultural area. Population,363,630. 日本北海道中西部的一座城市,它是一个土地肥沃的农业区内的商业、工业和交通中心。人口363,630。
- Brizliances and Brazilian investigators are working with experts from the points plane's maker, airbus, as well as officials from the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board. 巴西的调查员和飞机组装人员,空中巴士,以及美国国家交通安全委员会的官方人员一起合作。
- National Transportation Safety Board has released home video of a plane collision that killed three people. Two small planes collided last weekend at a Florida airport. 两架小型飞机上周在弗罗里达一座机场相撞,三人丧生。全国运输安全委员会发布了这一私人拍摄的录像。
- A city of northeast South Carolina east-northeast of Columbia. It has been a transportation center since the Civil War. Population,29, 813. 佛罗伦萨美国南卡罗莱纳州东北部一城市,位于哥伦比亚东北偏东。自内战以来成为一个交通中心。人口29,813
- Brazilian investigators are working with experts from the plane's maker, Airbus, as well as officials from the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board. 巴西调查员与来自空车客车的专家以及来自全美交通荣安全局的官员一道工作。
- By the help of friends from many industry of society, We build up in the shipping transportation center of south china Shenzhen in May,2007. 在社会各界朋友的大力支持下,我们于2007年5月在华南港口运输中心深圳成立。
- Daxie port area is one of the major port areas of Ningbo Port and the important part of Shanhai International Transportation Center. 大榭港区是宁波港的主要港区之一,是上海国际航运中心的重要组成部分。
- A city of west - central Hokkaido,Japan.It is the commercial,industrial,and transportation center of a fertile agricultural area.Population,363,630. 旭川日本北海道中西部的一座城市,它是一个土地肥沃的农业区内的商业、工业和交通中心。人口363,
- Then in the western development region to help change the national transport infrastructure, we Erlang mountain tunnel opened 99 years later, four hours would be to Chengdu. 那么国家在西部开发中下决心帮助民族地区改变交通设施建设,我们二郎山隧道99年打通以后,四个钟头就可以到成都了。