- The national socialist party came to power in Germany in 1933. 德国国家社会主义党于1933年掌权。
- Which led anti-Nazis to paint the National Socialist Party as a homosexual hotbed. 这使得反纳粹者把国家社会党指斥为同性恋的温床。
- Retiring from the army in 1920, Mackensen involved himself in politics, joining Hitler's National Socialist party and government in 1933. 1920年马肯森从军队中退役。之后他涉足政治,于1933年加入了希特勒的**党和政府。
- National Socialist Party of America; 美国国家社会主义党;
- Members of nationalist socialist party conquered Europe to murder, torture, intimation, and terror.And that‘s exactly what we‘re gonna do to them. 纳粹在欧洲干了屠杀、酷刑、暗杀还有一大堆数不过来的恐怖事迹,我们也要过去对他们这么干。
- Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party. 1921年的今天,阿道夫·希特勒成为国家社会主义德意志劳工党的党魁。
- National Socialist Party 国家社会党
- I advise you not to attach yourself to the Socialist Party . 我劝你不要参加社会党。
- I advise you not to attach yourself to the Socialist Party. 我劝你不要参加社会党。
- The Senegalese Socialist Party holds its second congress. 1935年,塞内加尔社会党举行第二次代表大会。
- The National Socialist German Workers'Party founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power by Hitler in 1933. 国家社会主义德国工人的政党,1919年在德国建立,1933年通过希特勒掌握政权。
- Socialist Party of Croatia (SPC): Zagreb; Pres.- Zeljko Mazar. 克罗地亚社会党:萨格勒布;主席-热利科·马扎尔。
- Of,relating to,controlled by,or typical of the National Socialist German Workers'Party. 德国国社党的属于,关于或由典型的德国国家社会主义工人党控制的
- He decided to end his connection with the Socialist Party. 他决定与社会党断绝关系。
- Of, relating to, controlled by, or typical of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. 德国国社党的属于,关于或由典型的德国国家社会主义工人党控制的
- This paper is the official organ of the Socialist Party. 这份报纸是社会党的正式机关报。
- The National Socialist state thus emerges as the threefold sovereignty of industry, party and army which have divided up among themselves the former monopoly of coercive power. 国家社会主义国家从而由单一的寡头强权发展为工业、党、队三重寡头政权。
- After 12 years of Mr Chirac, this was the Socialist Party's election to lose. 希拉克先生当家的12年之后,社会党丢掉了选举。
- I think we need to be a broad socialist party that everyone can join. 我认为,我们需要成立一个宽宏的,人人都能够参加的社会党。
- We should not consider it to be glorious merely to call our nation socialist,nor should we be content with this. 我们不能因为有社会主义的名字就光荣,就好。